EnviroScape® Wetland Model

Enviroscape Wetland Model

Wetlands help reduce the rate of flooding and erosion, hold sediment and pollutants, and provide necessary habitat for birds and other animals.  Nearly half of our endangered species live in wetlands or depend on them.  Wetlands improve the quality of our water. 

EnviroScape® Wetlands demonstrates:

  • The basic functions and values of inland and coastal wetland areas
  • How human factors affect wetlands
  • How to recognize different types of wetlands
  • What activities negatively affect wetlands
  • What activities can help to conserve wetlands
  • How constructed wetlands can help us better manage what we do on the land

This unit can also demonstrate point and nonpoint source pollution.  Areas included on the model: construction, residential, forest, agriculture, transportation and industrial.  Sponges represent wetlands and show the water absorption and water holding capacity of wetlands.  Constructed wetlands are represented with felt swatches. 

The EnviroScape® Wetlands unit contains everything you need (except the water!): Wetlands landscape top (topographical map), clear base, shopping center, parking lot, marina and boat slips, rainmaker, assorted wetlands (sponges and felt swatches), plant roots (cotton swabs), measuring cup, User's Guide and lesson plan, houses and other buildings, bridges, watercatcher, trees, golf flags, soil and chemicals, cows and vehicles.  

Teachers and other community educators can checkout the model by contacting Sadie Schroeder at sadie.schroeder@saukcountywi.gov or (608) 355-4842. Before checking out the EnviroScape® model, please fill out the application found at the link below.  These resources cannot be shipped.  You must be willing to pick up and drop off the resources.