Diversion Supervision Agreement Program

The Diversion Supervision Agreement Program is a program for individuals that have been charged with a crime and before they are convicted of the crime a person has a chance to have their charges dropped or lessened if they complete the program. 

The program can take 9 to 36 months depending on the criminal offense. The participant will go through a risk/need assessment with the JDS Case Coordinator, the risk/needs assessment will assist in determining what is in their case plan. After the case plan has been made referrals will be made to the appropriate entity, otherwise, the participant will work with the case coordinator to prevent them from returning into the criminal justice system. 

The mission statement of the Program is: 

The mission of Diversion Supervision Agreement Program, which is a joint venture between the Sauk County District Attorney’s Office and Division of Justice, Diversion, and Support, is to decrease the number of individuals convicted of criminal offenses and overall recidivism by increasing the efficacy of deferred prosecution agreements via evidence-based, risk-needs-assessed case management and supervision.

The goals of the program are to promote public safety, reduce prison, jail, and probation populations, reduce prosecution and incarceration costs, reduce recidivism, and improve the well-being of participants and their families.