Water Attractions and Pools

kid swimming

Q:  Does my pump need to be electrically connected to my disinfectant feeder?

A:  Yes.  Per ATCP 76.13(1)(c) - Feeder pumps shall be electrically connected to the recirculation pump control circuit and have a separate disconnect switch.

Q:  Do I need to install flow sensors on my system?

A:  At this time this is not a requirement per ATCP 76.  However, it is highly recommended as an additional safety feature.  Any updates to this rules will be added to this FAQ.

Q:  Do I need to inspect and test the operations on all water attractions and pool slides each day before use by patrons?

A:  Yes.  Per ATCP 76.37(2)(b) - Water attractions and all pool slides shall be inspected and their operations tested each day before use by patrons.  Such inspections and tests shall be documented by written records and the records shall be kept per ATCP 76.32.