Domestic Abuse?

Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors that may include physical assaults, sexual assaults, emotional abuse, isolation, threats, stalking, and/or intimidation. These behaviors are used by one person in an intimate relationship to control the other. The partners may be married or engaged, heterosexual or homosexual, living together, separated or dating.

It's hard to believe that the person you love would hurt you. But you are not alone. About one out of every four women will experience abuse sometime in their lifetime. There are people who want to help.  Abuse can happen to anyone. Women of all backgrounds, races, and ages are affected. If you are being abused by your partner, please get help.

Crimes of domestic violence are viewed as offenses against the people of the State of Wisconsin and are vigorously pursued, even absent the cooperation of the victim. An adult person who does ANY of the following to his or her spouse or former spouse, OR an adult with whom he or she resides or has resided, OR a person with whom he or she has a child in common:

  • Intentionally inflicts physical pain, injury or illness
  • Intentionally impairs a physical condition
  • Commits 1st, 2nd or 3rd Degree Sexual Assault
  • Does a physical act that may cause the other person reasonably to fear imminent engagement in the conduct described above.

Hope House

Are you being abused by your partner?  
Call Hope House Crisis Line – 24 hours everyday:

Toll Free:  1 (800) 584-6790
Business Office:  (608) 356-7500

See link below for website.