Crime Stoppers

Sauk County Crime Stoppers logo

Important Note:

Tips sent digitally are NOT monitored 24/7.  If your information is urgent and/or regards public safety, you can still remain anonymous and call the non-recorded tip line at (877) 847-7285.  You will be able to speak to someone at any time at this number and they can give your information to a law enforcement supervisor in the appropriate jurisdiction immediately. 

Ways to Report

 Reporting Page Go to our Crime Stoppers tip reporting page.
Call 1 (888) Tip-Sauk - 1 (888) 847-7285
Text You can now also text your tips anonymously text “tipsauk” and your message to 274637 (CRIMES)
Email To email tips, visit our Facebook and Twitter pages
Website Simply visit use our website here and report your tip.