Birth To Three

Birth To 3 Logo

Because the first three years
build a Lifetime.....................

Birth to 3 Program Mission
The Birth to 3 Program is committed to serving children under the age of 3 with developmental delays and disabilities and their families.  We value the family's primary relationship with their child and work in partnership with the family.  We work to enhance the child's development and support the family's knowledge, skills and abilities as they interact with and raise their child.

Do  you have concerns regarding your infant or toddler's
physical, speech, cognitive or social/emotional


Sauk County's Birth To Three Program

might be right for you!

The Birth To 3 Program is Wisconsin's early intervention program for infant and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities and their families.

The Birth To 3 Program provides support to parents and caregivers in identifying and building upon their child's participation in every day routines and activities unique to that particular family.

There are three components of the Birth To Three Program:

  • Natural Learning Environment practices:  Services are provided in the child's
    natural environment, including home, child care, and other settings.
  • Coaching as an Interaction Style:  An adult learning strategy that promotes the
    parents' or caregivers' confidence and competence in supporting a child's
    learning and development.
  • Primary Coach Approach to Teaming:  All families and children are supported
    by an early interventionist (EI) team.  One member of the EI team acts as the
    primary coach to parents and other primary caregivers.

Connect with the Birth to 3 - Facebook page

To Make a Referral or Find Out More Information,
please contact the Sauk County Department of Human Services at

All in For Kids:  B to 3 Program (English, Hmong, Spanish)

Birth to 3 Program Information for Families

New Issue of All in for Kids Newsletter Available Online

The Spring issue of the All in For Kids: Birth to 3 Program newsletter is now available in English, Hmong, and Spanish. The newsletter provides important Birth to 3 Program information, including:

  • Birth to 3 Program Services: Speech Therapy
    • What is speech therapy
    • How speech therapy helps
  • Helping kids keep their Medicaid coverage
  • The 2024 Circles of Life Conference: a time to learn, connect and grow
  • Parent members needed for the Birth to 3 Program Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC)
    • What is the ICC
    • How to participate
  • Birth to 3 Program (Part C) Grant application available for public comment
  • Wisconsin Wayfinder helps connect you to resources
  • The Birth to 3 Program wants to feature your family stories and photos:
    • Information on how to send in your family’s stories and photos
  • Spring family fun ideas for your family

In addition to being available online, the newsletter will be mailed to families with an individualized family service plan (IFSP), and families who had a referral within the last three months.

About the newsletter

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is committed to keeping families informed about the Birth to 3 Program. Through the newsletter, families can learn more about the Birth to 3 Program, new topics and ideas, and other news.

Nueva edición del boletín informativo All in for Kids disponible en línea

La edición de primavera del boletín All in For Kids (Todo por los niños): Programa Birth to 3 (Del nacimiento a los 3) ya está disponible en inglés, hmong y español. El boletín ofrece información importante sobre el programa Birth to 3 (Del nacimiento a los 3), que incluye:

  • Servicios del Programa Birth to 3 (Del nacimiento a los 3): Terapia del habla
    • ¿Qué es la terapia del habla?
    • ¿Cómo ayuda la terapia del habla?
  • Ayuda a los niños a mantener su cobertura de Medicaid
  • La Circles of Life Conference (Conferencia Círculos de Vida) 2024: un momento para aprender, conectar y crecer
  • Se necesitan padres miembros para el Interagency Coordinating Council (Consejo de Coordinación Interagencias, ICC) del Programa Birth to 3 (Del nacimiento a los 3)
    • ¿Qué es el Consejo de ICC?
    • ¿Cómo participar?
  • La solicitud de subvención del Programa Birth to 3 (Del nacimiento a los 3) (Parte C) está disponible para comentarios públicos
  • Wisconsin Wayfinder le ayuda a conectarse con los recursos
  • El Programa Birth to 3 (Del nacimiento a los 3) quiere las historias y fotos de su familia:
    • Información sobre cómo enviar las historias y las fotos de su familia
  • Ideas para divertirse en familia en primavera

Además de estar disponible en línea, el boletín también se enviará por correo a las familias con un IFSP, así como a las familias que hayan sido remitidas al programa en los últimos tres meses.

Sobre el boletín

El Department of Health Services de Wisconsin se compromete a mantener a las familias informadas sobre el Birth to 3 Program. A través del boletín, las familias pueden aprender más sobre el Birth to 3 Program, nuevos temas e ideas, y otras noticias.


Muaj Tsab Ntawv Xov Xwm Tshiab ntawm All in for Kids (Tag Nrho Rau Me Nyuam) Saum Huab Cua

Tsab ntawv Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav ntawm All in For Kids (Tag Nrho Rau Cov Me Nyuam Me): Tsab ntawv xov xwm qhia txog Lub Khoos Kas Birth to 3 (Tus Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos) tam sim no muaj ua Lus Askiv, Lus Hmoob, thiab Lus Mev. Tsab ntawv xov xwm qhia cov ncauj lus tseem ceeb txog Lub Khoos Kas Birth to 3 (Tus Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos), nrog rau:

  • Lub Khoos Kas Birth to 3 (Tus Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos): Kev Pw Tsaug Zog Kho Mob
    • Kev pw tsaug zog kho mob yog dab tsi
    • Kev pw tsaug zog kho mob yuav pab tau li cas
  • Pab tau cov me nyuam me kom siv tau lawv li kev duav roos Medicaid
  • Circles of Life Conference (Lub Koom Txoos Txoj Kev Ua Neeg) hauv 2024: lub sij hawm los kawm paub, txuas thiab loj hlob
  • Cov niam txiv uas xav tau rau Lub Khoos Kas Birth to 3 (Tus Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos) Interagency Coordinating Council (Lub Xab Pha Lis Hauj Lwm Ntawm Cov Koom Haum Sawv Cev) (ICC)
    • Lub xab pha ICC yog dab tsi
    • Yuav ua li cas koom nrog tau
  • Lub Khoos Kas Birth to 3 (Tus Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos) (Ntu C) Daim ntawv thov nyiaj pab muaj rau pej xeem los tawm tswv yim tau
  • Wisconsin Wayfinder pab txuas koj nrog cov kev pab
  • Lub Khoos Kas Birth to 3 (Tus Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos) xav yees kawm txog koj tsev neeg zaj dab neeg thiab duab:
    • Ntaub ntawv hais txog txoj hauv kev xa koj tsev neeg zaj dab neeg thiab cov duab
  • Lub tswv yim ua lom zem rau tsev neeg thaum lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav rau koj tsev neeg

Ntxiv rau txoj kev muaj nyob rau saum huab cua, puav leej luam tawm thiab xa tsab ntawv xov xwm tau rau cov tsev neeg uas muaj lub tswv yim IFSP, nrog rau cov tsev neeg uas tau ntawv xa mus cuag kev pab hauv peb lub hlis dhau los.

Hais txog tsab ntawv xov xwm

Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Tuam Tsev Tswj Xyuas Cov Kev Kho Kab Mob Kev Nkeeg) mob siab faj seeb qhia rau cov tsev neeg kom ras paub txog Txoj Kev Pab Birth to 3 (Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos). Nyob rau hauv tsab xov xwm, cov tsev neeg yuav kawm tau ntxiv txog Txoj Kev Pab Birth to 3 (Me Nyuam Yug Kiag txog 3 Xyoos), cov lus thiab tswv yim tshiab, thiab lwm cov xov xwm.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

woman and child smiling, crawling together
man and child reading book
woman and two children working together baking
collage of adults and children spending time together
A Good Start in the First 1,000 Days
A Good Start in the First 1,000 Days page 2
A Good Start in the First 1,000 Days - Spanish
A Good Start in the First 1,000 Days page 2 - Spanish