Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

DATE: October 13, 2009

Committee Members Present: Ashford, Gaalswyk, Lehman, and Netzinger.

Committee Members Absent: Cassity
Others Present: Mark Steward, Gina Templin, Brian Simmert.

Vice Chairman Lehman called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 a.m.

And staff verified compliance with open meeting law. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Netzinger to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0

Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Netzinger, to approve the minutes of the September 15 and
22nd, 2009 meetings. Motion carried 4-0.

Public Comment:

Jim Birkemeier spoke about the sawmill language and pleased to see that it is a facility and
believes that definition exempts the small portable sawmills. He also spoke of having a sawmill
on their own farm and sawing their own logs, however they constantly receive requests to saw
logs for other people and feel that should be allowed yet. If the sawmill is a facility, having the
10 day provision does not make sense and feels it is still confusing. He then spoke of bio-fuel
manufacturing and because he feels it can be anything and most of the product comes from a
farm and how do you say what is ag related and asked for further clarification on what it means
and requests a better definition.

Lehman spoke of the bio-fuel and the difference between the old ordinance and what is proposed.

Birkemeier spoke of having another machine to make electricity out of his sawmill byproducts
and feels that he can have a bio-fuel operation and feels more regulation is needed, but you need
to separate the larger operations from those that are an ag related business.

He also feels the ordinance should deal more with the overall definition of these types of businesses, but for the smaller operations, leave them out of the details so they are not so restricted.

Steward spoke of the WCA information for a County Ambassador program. Gaalswyk spoke of
Steward taking on the responsibility and the committee discussed the time requirements placed
on staff to participate. Netzinger feels that the county does need a representative and the committee feels that it should be someone that can represent the entire county rather than department specific. Ashford stated she would contact the County Board Chair to get the issue on the County Board agenda.

Steward then spoke of the certified survey map that is drawn up by Richard Blakeslee of the 2 lots near the county health care center and explained what is happening.

Netzinger asked if there were any wells on the property. Steward stated there are no wells and
wells and septic would be required, as the existing well being used for the healthcare center
would be abandoned, as well as the wastewater treatment plant being shut down as well.

Departmental Updates:
The Committee then discussed the Departmental Report. Steward reviewed the monthly report
for September, as presented to the Committee. The Committee requested that more research be
done on expanding the steel tank replacement program and concentrating on those areas
surrounding water bodies.

The Committee then reviewed the packet of information detailing the charts and graphs
supporting the department’s revenue/budget position for the year.

The Committee then discussed and signed the ordinance for the Sawmill Ordinance Amendment
and forward to County Board for approval.
The Committee then discussed the Donald Pierce Planned Unit Development in the Town of
Freedom. Simmert appeared and explained the background and history of the request.

Motion by Gaalsywk, seconded by Netzinger to approve the Donald Pierce Planned unit Development.
Motion carried 4-0.

Steward then reviewed the ordinance amendment for Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 to reflect the
updated flood insurance rate maps. The Committee discussed. Motion by Netzinger, seconded
by Ashford to send the ordinance amendment to public hearing on November 24, 2009. Motion
carried 4-0.

Steward then presented the resolution opposing Department of Commerce layoff’s of Private
Onsite Wastewater Treatment System staff. The committee discussed that the E&L Committee
approved the resolution. Motion by Gaalswyk, seconded by Ashford to approve the resolution
opposing the layoff’s. Motion carried 3-1 with Netzinger in opposition.

The Committee discussed agenda items for the next meeting. Netzinger advised that he will not
be at the next committee meeting.
Next meeting to be October 27th.
Motion by Ashford, seconded by Netzinger to adjourn, motion carried 4-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Judy Ashford, Secretary

Minutes by Templin