Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee

DATE: June 24, 2009

Mark Steward, Planning and Zoning Director, called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm, and asked members to review the agenda. Members adopted the agenda by consensus. There were no minutes of the May meeting available to review.

Public Comment - None

Jenny Erickson briefed members on the status of the planning process.

Strategic issues defined during the Novemeber workshop

Strategies were identified during the March 30 th public meeting in Reedsburg

Strategies were further developed through May

Strategy review with knowledgeable participants this evening

Development of the public opinion survey is ongoing and nearing completion.

Members reviewed the draft survey instrument, and asked questions about formatting.

Members and other participants were the4n asked to break out into small groups to review the draft strategies.

Following a brief break, member returned for a discussion of sustainability issues. Dave Tremble reviewed the basics of the Natural Step ABCD and "backcasting" process.

Brian Simmert then led members through a discussion of the draft Comprehensive Plan, Part I.

Members discussed interaction with the County Board , the upcoming County Board presentation schedule. Staff reminded members that a draft plan will be presented to the Steering Committee in August, and then to the County Board Executive and Legislative Committee before going to the full County Board in September. Staff and Steering Committee members will conduct open houses for the public in September and October. The County Board will take action on the Plan in December.

Next meeting: July 22 nd. Members expressed interest in a dinner/cookout meeting at UW Baraboo.

Public Comment - None

The meeting adjourned by consensus at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Steward, Director

Sauk County Dept. of Planning and Zoning