Joint Finance & Personnel Committees

DATE: June 12, 2009

Finance Committee Members present: Steve Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Joan Fordham, Marty Krueger

Finance Committee Member excused: William F. Wenzel

Personnel Committee Members present: Scott Alexander, Tim Meister, Charles Montgomery, Henry Netzinger, Peter Tollaksen

Others present: Cindy Bodendein, Kerry Beghin, Tom Fandry, Jessica Fry, Kevin Fults, Kim Gochanhour, Sue Hebel, Michael Hafemann, Lynn Horkan, Michelle Koehler, Joe Lally, Chip Meister, Bill Orth, Kathy Schauf, Randy Stammen, Mark Steward

The meeting was called to order by Finance Committee Chairperson Bychinski at 8:15 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Fordham to nominate Bychinski to serve as chair of the joint meeting. Motion carried.


Motion by Bach, second by Tollaksen, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

Consideration and Discussion of Resolution Recommending Continuation of Jail Operations Utilizing Jail Unit A.

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Fordham to approve resolution recommending continuation of jail operations utilizing Jail Unit A. Discussion followed. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.

Discussion of Strategy for 2010 Budget process

Schauf reviewed the budget process concerning reclassifications and new position requests. Schauf reminded the Committee members that at this point in time the County is well positioned to address 2010. Functional groups have been directed to look at restructure and realignment across departments. The program evaluation forms are a means to get discussions going between policy makers and staff. Schauf summarized that the County needs to be vigilant, look for ways to reduce work force where appropriate and look at how and why we serve.

Consideration and Discussion of Reclassification and New Position Requests - Department Presentations.

Schauf reiterated that key changes to the position make a valid reclass argument; volume does not necessarily determine work changed. Discussed issues concerning recent recruitments.


ADRC - Vandre was unable to attend due to a regional meeting. Requested reclasses for two positions were included with agenda packets. The reclasses were discussed.

Child Support - Fandry reviewed history of the program assistant position and the expansion of duties. Wages are reimbursed 66% through State funding. The reclass was discussed.

Human Services (HS) - Orth spoke about the two supervisor reclass requests. He reviewed the background of these positions and the evolution of Family Care. HS proposes not filling a vacant supervisor RN care manager, shifting supervisory and budgeting responsibilities to these reclassed supervisor positions from Hebel, a current supervisor. Hebel would retain some supervisory and budgetary responsibilities in other departmental areas and take on the supervisory duties of the vacant supervisor RN. This restructure will allow for additional Family Care funding for staff expenses. Fordham reviewed the Southwest Family Care consortium model that Sauk participates in with seven other counties. The reclasses were discussed.

Orth spoke about the requested account clerk position reclasses. These are primary billing positions involved in revenue collection. Billing processes have gotten more complicated with onset of electronic billing and complex funding sources. HS is looking to make these positions an equitable classification across the department as compared to other positions. HS is recommending a reclass to grade four, a total additional $1,500 would be needed to reclass to grade 4, not grade 3 as calculated on the existing report.

New Position Requests:

Human Services - Orth stated that due to growth of Family Care an additional Nurse Case manager will be needed in 2010. Hebel stated this position would be funded through Family Care and would not be filled until a full caseload exists. Family Care funding and the State budget was discussed.

Public Health - Bodendein reviewed current project position. The Project position staff has obtained sanitary licensure and is eligible to obtain more state work through limited agent program. Position is 7% levy funded. No change in wage from project to permanent. Bodendein indicated that the State limited agent program funding should remain intact ongoing. The position was discussed.

Sheriff's Department - Stammen is requesting three new positions titled Utility Deputy. These positions would only be hired if funding through a Federal grant is awarded. The County will not know about this grant approval until late in the budget process, September 30. The grant is for three years with the fourth year for the positions to be the County's expense. The new positions would float between divisions-jail, patrol and transport. Stammen discussed the continuing challenge in increased caseloads, traffic enforcement, and increased crime, long hiring timelines due to law enforcement requirements, and staff vacation and sick leave. The Department continues to have difficulty maintaining minimum coverage in county. Stammen stated they are not requesting vehicles for these positions but will use transport or available vehicles as needed.

Motion to deny reclass for two ADRC position requests by Tollaksen, second by Alexander. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.


Motion to approve reclass request for the Child Support Program Assistant grade 2 to Program Specialist grade 3 by Bach, second by Tollaksen. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.


Motion to approve reclass request for Human Services three Account Clerk positions grade 2 to Program Specialist grade 4 by Alexander, second by Bach. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.


Motion to approve reclass for Human Services Family Care Supervisor and Children's Program Supervisor grade 13 to grade 14 by Alexander, second by Fordham. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.


Motion to approve new position for Human Services Nurse Case Manager by Fordham, second by Alexander. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.


Motion to approve Environmental Health Specialist Project as a permanent position for Public Health by Montgomery , second by Meister. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Nay, Bychinski-Nay, Fordham- Nay, Krueger- Nay. Personnel Committee: Alexander- Nay, Meister- Nay, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger- Nay, Tollaksen- Nay. Motion defeated.


Motion to approve three Utility Deputies in the Sheriff's Department only to the extent funding becomes available by Tollaksen, second by Netzinger. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Aye, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.


Consideration for Resolution Approving the 2010 Annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Non-Represented Employees' Salaries Effective January 1, 2010.

Motion to approve a zero 2010 annual COLA for non-represented employees' salaries effective January 1, 2010, merit increases remain, by Alexander, second by Bach. Discussion. Vote called: Finance Committee: Bach-Aye, Bychinski-Aye, Fordham-Aye, Krueger-Aye. Personnel Committee: Alexander-Aye, Meister-Aye, Montgomery-Nay, Netzinger-Aye, Tollaksen-Aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Tollaksen, second by Meister to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Steven Bach, Finance Committee Secretary Scott Alexander, Personnel Committee Secretary