Personnel Committee

DATE: Friday, June 12, 2009
Room 213 West Square Building

Members Present: T. Meister, P. Tollaksen, S. Alexander,H. Netzinger, C. Montgomery

Others Present: K. Schauf, M. Steward, T. Bychinsky, M. Koehler, K. Gochanour, C. Bodendein, J. Lally

ORDER OF BUSINESS: The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 9:55 A.M. and was certified to be in compliance with Open Meetings Law.

AGENDA: Motion by A. Alexander, second by P. Tollaksen to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by H. Netzinger, to approve the May 8, 2009, minutes of the regular business meeting as sent. Motion carried.


Appearance by Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator. K. Schauf presented information regarding the coordinated training effort with UW-Baraboo for Department Heads. As a result of the training, other areas were identified as other training opportunities. Will continue to work on additional training plans. No action taken.

EMBS. Possible recruitment for vacant position, item postponed until next month.

Planning and Zoning - Discussion and possible action on utilizing WiDOA Comprehensive Planning Grant dollars to pay for one Planning Intern for summer 2009 for County Comprehensive Plan. M. Steward presented on behalf of Planning and Zoning to compensate intern(s), previously removed from budget. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Meister to restore funding of $10 per hour for intern retroactively effective upon passage. Motion carried.

Health Care Center. K. Gochanour presented information regarding the necessity to add CNA project positions for the facility until have better idea of needs for new facility. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by H. Netzinger to add eight (8) category four (4) CNA project positions to evaluate in one year. Motion carried.

Health Care Center. K. Gochanour presented information regarding the necessity to add one (1) part time project position of Kitchen Aide. Motion by A. Alexander, second by H. Netzinger to add one (1) part -time Kitchen Aide project position not to evaluate in six months. Motion carried.

Health Care Center. K. Gochanour requested the extension of the Laundry Aide LTE an additional three (3) months. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by H. Netzinger to extend Laundry Aide LTE an additional three (3) months. Motion carried.

Public Health.

C. Bodendein presented information to request a project position for an Environmental Health Technician as a result of an another vacancy within the department. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Meister to approve project position of Environmental Health Technician, indexed to Grade 8 of the non-represented scale, to be reviewed in one year. Motion carried.

AFSCME Local 360 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT. Personnel Director Koehler presented the Committee with the tentative agreements reached with AFSCME Local 360 as discussed the previous month. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by C. Montgomery to ratify the collective bargaining agreement between Sauk County and AFSCME Local 360. Motion carried.

WPPA/LEER (CLERICAL). M. Koehler presented information regarding implementation of a Drug Testing Program for the Van Drivers hired as part of the Aging and Disability Resource Center to be acted on at the July meeting. No action taken.

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATE: M. Koehler distributed the activity report for the month including meetings, recruitment, terminations, labor activities and benefits.

Koehler presented the Committee with the preliminary Form One information, quarterly unemployment statistics, updates on the department budget and potential issues, department restructure and COBRA stimulus package implications.

Department Head training was conducted on June 10, 2009, through a coordinated effort between the Personnel Department and Safety Risk regarding Sexual Harassment and the Family Medical Leave Act.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by C. Montgomery, to accept the Form One, Departmental Update as presented and to approve the bills in the amount of $3,109.00. Motion carried.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by P. Tollaksen to adjourn until 8:15 A.M. Friday, July 17, 2009, for regular business meeting. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 11:08 A.M.

Respectfully submitted: Signed by: S. Alexander, Secretary