Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: November 19, 2009

UW-Extension ETN West Square Building

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Kriegl, Posewitz, Puttkamer, Wiese and Zowin from the Committee; Norgard-FSA; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD; Marshall; Damos-Baraboo News Republic. Borleske was absent.

Adopt agenda: Motion by Kriegl/Posewitz to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt minutes of previous meetings: Motion by Zowin/Posewitz to adopt the minutes of the LCC meetings on October 8 and November 10. Motion carried, all in favor.

Public comment: None.

Presentation on Oxbow Lake Study by Dave Marshall: Dave Marshall from Underwater Habitat Investigations LLC presented results of the Oxbow Lake Study done in 2008. The county received a Lake Planning Grant to study the floodplain lakes along the Sauk County portion of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway. Very little is known about these lakes. They are critical for sustaining high biodiversity and provide a refuge for river fish during floods. Marshall provided his recommendations based upon the findings - proactive management, DNR classification of floodplain habitats as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), increase of the state Stewardship Funding for the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway, expand the State Riverway boundaries to protect groundwater and reduce polluted runoff to the floodplain. An article on the study is included in the November Conservation Chronicle.


A. Thursday Note(s): The October 15 and November 12, Thursday Notes were reviewed by Van Berkel. They were also received at the LCC members' homes.

B. DNR Land Purchase Notification: Notification was received on the state's purchase of 399.02 acres of land for the Baraboo Hills Recreation Area in the Town of Greenfield also known as Potter Preserve.

Puttkamer brought up the recent decision of The Nature Conservancy to implement tax-exempt status, and their use of conservation easements, cost-share monies, grants, and stewardship money from the state. Van Berkel offered to get representatives of The Nature Conservancy and possibly the Department of Revenue to appear at a future LCC meeting to discuss these concerns.

C. DATCP Letter Regarding Conflict of Interest: DATCP sent a reminder that if either a staff or an LCC member signed up for a DATCP grant that they must recuse themselves from any signatures, approvals or motions regarding that grant.

D. Agricultural Impact Statement on Hwy. 60 Rebuild: The reconstruction and straightening of the road from Hwy. B to Cassell Road will result in the removal of 31.1 acres from agricultural use.

E. WLWCA Request for Support: LCC received a request for support of the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association (WLWCA) either through donations or attendance at the conference. Attendees will discuss this at the WLWCA Conference and see how other counties handled the donation request.

Legislative updates: Updates were discussed during the review of Thursday Notes.


A. Land Conservation Department (LCD) report - The monthly report was sent to the LCC with the agenda. Van Berkel highlighted some of the activities.

B. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) report - Brereton reported that the first Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) ended in September. CSP pays farmers for conservation practices in place on the farm and encourages participants to do more. There were five applications, one of which was deferred into the next signup. NRCS will find out at the end of November which applications were funded.

Changes in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) - Liquidated damages are now waived in EQIP if the participant requests cancellation of the contract. They may still have to pay back funds already received, however. Counties were told that they can no longer have their own funding pools, a tool that has worked well in Sauk County. Other changes are in the process, resulting in a delay of the 2010 EQIP signup to sometime after December.

The Sauk County Local Work Group met for 2010 to discuss EQIP. Results of the meeting were distributed and highlighted.

C. Farm Service Agency (FSA) report - Norgard stated that Congress approved a $290 million stimulus to the dairy industry to supplement the low milk prices. They are projecting payments by mid-December. There are approximately 300 eligible dairy farmers in Sauk County. Another program coming is the initial rollout of the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program (SURE) for producers suffering crop losses in 2008. This uses all revenues, all counties, all crops for the entire farming operation and all crops must have been insured or purchased a buy-in option to be eligible. Brad Schyvinck is not running again for the FSA County Committee. The northwest area is holding an election with ballots due to FSA by December 7.

D. Foresters' report - None

E. Economic Development Committee report - Zowin stated that the last meeting was focused on Kentucky data systems contract for fiber optics. They should have the bridge study for Merrimac ready for review at the next meeting.

F. Mirror Lake District report - Zowin reported they are working with the LCD on some severe gully erosion to be installed through the Dell Creek Project The district may assist landowners with their share of cost. They are finishing up budget. Zowin questioned if the county might consider transfer of responsibility for the park at the dam site to the village after dam repairs. She felt they would do more with management and improvements.

G. Lake Virginia Management District report - Wiese stated that their annual meeting is in December.

H. Lake Redstone Management District report - No report, Borleske absent.

Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Puttkamer to approve 2009 and 2010 bills in the amount of $86,955.75. Motion carried, all in favor.

Future rental of agricultural land at new Health Care Center: Van Berkel stated the current one-year lease on ten acres of tillable land at the new Health Care Center brought in $70/acre. Motion by Kriegl/Puttkamer to rent the ten acres of agricultural land through bidding for another one-year lease. Motion carried, all in favor.

Updates on 2008 flood followup: Van Berkel informed the Committee that the county has received $50,000 through a flood related grant to do river cleanup of trash and debris on the Baraboo River. The project could link well into economic development if the project could also improve access for recreational use.

LCD received $30,000 through DNR from a Federal Stimulus Grant to study the Clark Creek watershed for potential future flooding. MSA estimated a cost of $100,000 for this study. There is still deposition on the lower end and no channel flow or stream bed. LCD will look for partners ( DNR, NRCS, EMBS, etc.) to perform the evaluation.

Spring Green is trying to put together detailed flood maps. The town is interested in zoning much of the flooded area into a flood protection district and needs some GIS help to prepare the zoning maps. Staff estimated it would take about 200 hours of time. The LCD was asked to provide this help but could not offer the time. We will assist and look for other means to develop the needed maps.

Motion to adjourn until December 17 at 9:00 a.m. by Puttkamer/Posewitz at 11:08 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor. The Committee also tentatively scheduled January 14 as a future meeting date.

Linda Borleske, Secretary