Land Conservation Committee Minutes


DATE: October 8, 2009

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Borleske, Kriegl, Posewitz, Puttkamer, Wiese and Zowin from the Committee; Van Berkel and Vosberg-LCD; Ken Vertein-Wisconsin Conservation Congress.

Adopt agenda: Motion by Borleske/Posewitz to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Minutes of the September 9 joint Land Conservation Committee and Planning and Zoning Committee meeting were adopted on a motion by Posewitz/Puttkamer. Motion carried, all in favor. Minutes of the September 9 Land Conservation Committee meeting were adopted on a motion by Borleske/Posewitz. Motion carried, all in favor.

Public comment: None.


A. Thursday Note(s): None.

B. DNR land purchase at Pine Island. Notification was received regarding the purchase of 98.2 acres adjacent to the Pine Island Wildlife refuge.

C. Van Berkel distributed copies of an appeal from Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association for funds, either through conference registration, donations and/or renewed memberships.

Wildlife Damage Program:

A. Review and approval of 2010 budget. Phil Peterson, Wildlife Services, arrived to present the proposed 2010 budget for the Program. The budgeted amount decreased in comparison to the 2009 budget due to staffing cutbacks at the area level. The total funding request is for $11,741.18. Of this $2,872.79 would come from USDA funds and $8,868.39 would be provided through the state Wildlife Damage Program funded through hunting licenses. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve the proposed 2010 Wildlife Damage Program budget. Motion carried, all in favor.

B. Establish 2009 crop damage price values. Peterson provided a summary of the crop values as established by quarterly monitoring of prices in the region. The amounts for crops incurring damage in Sauk County were: corn - $3.38/bushel, alfalfa - $135.22/ton, mixed grass hay - $85.97/ton, soybeans - $9.00/bushel, wheat - $3.82/bushel. There was also some apiary damage, and those damages are assessed based upon equipment replacement costs, bee prices and honey value. Committee felt these averages were a good representation of values as there was little variation in prices throughout the cropping year and little indication that there would be fluctuations at harvest. Motion by Borleske/Kriegl to accept the averages provided by Peterson and to establish those as the 2009 crop prices for damage assessments. Motion carried, all in favor.

Legislative updates: None


A. Land Conservation Department report-Van Berkel provided copies of both the September and October reports and highlighted the installation of practices and the assistance the engineer is providing to other departments. He also invited Committee members to consider visiting the youth day at Devil's Lake after the meeting.

B. Natural Resources Conservation Service report-None

C. Farm Service Agency report-Puttkamer reported on current signups. He also complimented the cooperation between agencies, highlighting a recent incident where a producer was able to get an immediate plan revision and avoid any delay in payment.

D. Foresters' report-None.

E. Economic Development Committee report-Zowin reported they are working on the fiber optic lease and planning to do a complete inventory of county owned lands in the future.

F. Mirror Lake District report-Zowin reported they are finishing up some remaining aspects of the dredging project.

G. Lake Virginia Management District report-Wiese reported that their annual meeting was held, and the major point of discussion was regarding the taxing level for the district. The lake appears to be maintaining the planned water level for the first time in a long time.

H. Lake Redstone Management District report-Borleske reported that their meeting is scheduled for next week.

Review and approval of vouchers: Voucher summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Vouchers in the amount of $86,568.33 were approved on a motion by Zowin/Borleske. Motion carried, all in favor. During review of the Health Care Center bills, Borleske asked about fencing needs at the Health Care Center and asked that Department look into the condition of the fence between Toeder's and the HCC west property line.

Animal Waste Ordinance administration, assistance example: Vosberg presented an example of the process involved when a farmer requests assistance with planning and installing a manure storage facility. He provided examples of the drafts and revisions and how the tools available to the department help assist farmers in the design of a sound, functional system.

Approval of attendance of Committee members at Southern Area Association of Land Conservation Committees Meeting, October 21 and Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association Conference, December 9-10: Wiese indicated he would be able to attend both the Southern Area Association meeting and the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association (WLWCA) conference. The other Committee members will check their schedules for the December WLWCA conference. Staff will need registration numbers for this conference by November 6 so will email a followup request. Motion by Borleske/Posewitz to forward a resolution to County Board approving Wiese's attendance at the Southern Area meeting and a resolution that would approve any LCC member's attendance at the December WLWCA conference. Motion carried, all in favor.

Consider approval of extension to Federal Contribution Agreement: The Contribution Agreement previously approved is scheduled to end at the end of the federal fiscal year, September 30. The practices covered by the agreement will not be completed by this date so the deadline needs to be extended until December 31. Motion by Borleske/Kriegl to extend the NRCS Contribution Agreement Contract until December 31. Motion carried, all in favor.

Update on submitted 2010 Clean Sweep Grant Application: Van Berkel summarized the Clean Sweep activities as proposed in the grant application submitted. The final implementation plan will depend on funding available from both the county and state. Grant notifications should be received by the end of October.

Update on valve failure at Shanahan Dam, PHC Dam #4: Van Berkel updated the Committee on the recent valve failure at Shanahan Dam and the resulting draining of the pond. In their response to the emergency drawdown request, DNR indicates there is no required pool elevation so the final decision may be to leave the impoundment drained. Staff will investigate the situation more closely in spring.

Motion to adjourn until November 19 at 9:00 a.m. and to tentatively schedule the December meeting for December 17 at 9:00 a.m. by Posewitz/Borleske at 11:35 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.

Linda Borleske, Secretary