Human Services Committee Minutes

DATE: October 5, 2009
5:30 p.m.
County Board Room Gallery
Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Bowers, Vertein, Dippel, Fordham, Endres, Sinklair, Fabisiak

Members Excused: Alexander, Stoeckmann

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Box

Vertein called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to adopt the agenda.
Motion Carried.

Motion by Fordham, seconded by Endres to approve minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion Carried.

Public Comment




Business Items

  1. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Box distributed the monthly voucher report and reviewed briefly (see attached). Box noted that contracted labor was down as was Administration due to Family Care being paid last month. Community Residential was down due to less AODA placements and due to not paying a residential facility due to their not submitting an audit. Community Treatment was down due to less psych. evals and Intensive Autism services was also down. Institution costs were down. Income Maintenance was slightly higher due to CWCAC bill (some discrepancy and discussion, Box to review this item for reporting to the Board at next meeting). Energy Assistance was down due to no weatherization in the past month. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Fabisiak to approve the vouchers in the amount of $1,109,004.66. Motion Carried.
  2. Recommend Appointment of Clarissa Cunningham and Aaron Ferstle to the Family Support/Birth-to-Three Advisory Committee: Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to appoint the above as noted. Motion Carried.
  3. Recommend Re-Appointment of Jeanne DeForest and Lynn Halatek to the Family Support/Birth-to-Three Advisory Committee: Motion by Fordham, seconded by Bowers to appoint the above as noted. Motion Carried.

Department Updates

  1. 2010 Budget Presentation to Finance Committee: Orth reported the budget was presented last month to the Finance Committee. The format used was through the functional group structure and Orth noted he thought it went well. Fordham noted that there have been more joint projects among the functional group and that this has been very positive. Orth noted, for example, there is a partnership between the jail and Human Services where a $22,000 stimulus grant was obtained. Fordham noted the functional group presentation, overall, was excellent.
  2. Southwest Family Care Alliance Update: Orth noted that the Southwest Family Care Alliance has had a $500,000 - $600,000 deficit over July and August, 2009. Currently, administrative staff is looking at assessments and individual care plans and discussing with individual counties how to contain costs. There is ongoing discussions with the Alliance in talking to the state about risk sharing procedures. Orth noted that all CMO's in the state are currently at a loss. The loss is a process of adjustment to Managed Care. Orth will update the Human Services Board next month on the Alliance's progress.
  3. Regionalization of Child Welfare Services: Orth reported that WCHSA representatives, including himself, met with Secretaries from Children and Families, DHFS, looking at two major recommendations:
    1. Joint effort to develop priorities in next biannual budget cycle.
    2. Potential regionalization of Mental Health, Child Welfare and Economic services.

    Orth and several other WCHSA representatives with the Secretaries, and LSS leadership, as well as the Casey Foundation, will begin to discuss (see attached regarding Wisconsin Child Welfare Reform) issues relating to potential regionalization. The result of the meeting was to ask the Casey Foundation to review states that have already gone to regionalization and to report back to the subcommittee of WCHSA and also Ken Taylor from the state will begin to discuss how levy funding in child welfare takes place in the counties. In addition, Orth will begin to discuss regionalization with Human Service Directors at regional meetings.

  4. Family Care Nurse Responsibilities: Orth noted that Family Care Nurse duties are being reviewed by Corporation Counsel for procedure and practice duties as it relates to licensure issues. This review is being done by Corporation Counsel at the request of Public Health. Future discussions will occur after Corporation Counsel reviews standards. Orth will report back to the Human Services Board on these discussions.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, November 9, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Endres to adjourn.
Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Bev Vertein