Human Services Committee Minutes


DATE: March 9, 2009, 5:00 p.m., County Board Gallery, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Bowers, Fabisiak, Dippel, Fordham, Endres, Stoeckmann, Sinklair

Members Excused: Vertein

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Box

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Fordham, seconded by Bowers to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.



Business Items:

A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Box distributed the monthly voucher report. Stoeckmann reviewed the report noting that salaries and benefits increased this month due to how the payrolls fell. Contracted Labor decreased as there were less contracted mental health service hours this month. Administrative decreased as last month expenses were higher due to the 2008 Family Care Contribution payment. We also made our $25,000 payment to Hope House this month. Community Living & Support Services decreased as we paid current and prior month expenses for snowplowing last month. We also paid current and prior month day care expenses last month, none this month. Community Treatment decreased as we paid prior month bills for Tellurian last month. No payment was made to Catholic Charities this month as an invoice has not been received. Institutions increased due to a large bill for December which was large enough to cover the credits we had for October and November and still have an expense for December. A bill for Mississippi Valley last month was paid, none this month. Income Maintenance decreased as there were no funeral expenses. W-2 Services decreased as last month we paid Children's First expenses to CWCAC. Accounts Receivable decreased as we had a collection from Care Wisconsin last month, none this month. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Sinklair to approve the vouchers in the amount of $1,159,980.78. Motion Carried.

B. CWCAC Report on Flood Assistance: Lori Lindell from CWCAC spoke about the Flood Assistance Program. The Board needed to decide what information they wanted from her and if it should come to the Human Services Finance Subcommittee or full Human Services Board. This grant is not a loan. People need to meet the criteria of the program which is 80% of median income. The Program started in Sauk County in November. Inspection of the property was completed. Home owners need to have the proper receipts to get reimbursement. At this time there are 35 projects out for bid. Bid specs are done and they go out to contractors. They try to take the lowest bidder, but they do not have to go with the lowest. They are trying to get homeowners back to where they were before the flooding, nothing more. They will pay only up to 50% of what the house is worth. 1800 applications were mailed in January and they are receiving two to three back per day. They are also working with Long Term Recovery because if they do not qualify for this program, they might qualify for LTR. The maximum grant per person is between $25,000 and $30,000. The amount can be more depending on the case. $1,000,000 is the amount available for the program at this time. The amount started at $500,000 and they asked for more and received it. If there is the need, they will ask for more money. When a homeowner is denied they can appeal to the committee (which would be the Human Services Board). Lori will come to meetings monthly in the beginning. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Fordham to have the report come to the full Human Services Board monthly. Motion Carried.

C. Addition of Public Comment to the Agenda: The Board cannot comment or discuss issues, only members of the public can talk during this time. Time limit will be at the discretion of the Chair. Public comment will be before Communications on the agenda. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Dippel to approve this. Motion Carried.

D. Re-Appointment of Susan Tucker to the Long Term Support Planning Committee: It was suggested that Susan Tucker from CWCAC be re-appointed to the Long Term Support Planning Committee for a three year term. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Fordham to appoint Susan Tucker to the Long Term Care Support Committee. Motion Carried.

E. Clarion Unit Closing: The Clarion Unit will be closing due to financial reasons. Platteville and Stoughton still have units and Human Services is looking into them. The psychiatrist at the Clarion Center is retiring and has started referring patients to other facilities. Thirty to fifty patients are being referred to Human Services. We will need around $12,000 for one of our staff psychiatrists to work another day to handle this caseload. Human Services has asked St. Clare to contribute to the cost. St. Clare has agreed to contribute approximately $3,300, depending on the number of clients that actually come here. We could use carry forward dollars depending on how we end the year to pay for the remainder. We also have extra money in the FCF (LSS) contract. We could divert some of that money if needed. Motion by Stoeckmann, seconded by Bowers to approve the additional psychiatry time at a cost of $12,000. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. Governor's Budget Implications: A handout was given showing the potential dollar losses for 2010 for Human Services. Orth walked through the document. Potential cuts are in our Basic County Allocation, Income Maintenance, IV-E Incentive Funds, Birth-to-Three, Alzheimer's Family Support and Youth Aids. The budget also proposes a $2.00 increase/day in Juvenile Correction costs. The other proposition is for the County to take over the State's cost of Mendota/Winnebago Medicaid costs. Fordham stated we need to start looking at what populations have to be served.

B. Coordinated Services Team Grant: The grant was for four years and is now done. One service Human Services would like to keep is the Wisconsin Family Ties Parent Advocate. Human Service plans to pay for this out of the extra FCF (LSS) contract funds that we will have for 2009.

C. Mississippi Valley Health Services Commission: Alexander is the Human Services representative. Marty Krueger signed the inter-county agreement. There is a meeting scheduled for March 25, 2009.

D. Strategic Issues: Kathy Schauf sent out an email that Departments need to put together a list of what they see as their top issues for 2010. The Board asked that Orth/Brattset state what they feel are the priorities. Orth will put this in the next memo.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, April 6, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion by Fabisiak, seconded by Dippel to adjourn. Motion Carried.

Scott Alexander