Health Care Center
Building Committee

DATE: November 5, 2009

PRESENT: Virgil Hartje, Tom Bychinski, Joan Fordham, Paul Endres, Bill Higgins

OTHERS PRESENT: Tim Stieve, Bill McClary, Kim Gochanour, Marty Krueger, Kerry Beghin, Aileen Kleczak, Press

  1. Called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Bychinski, second by Hartje to adopt the agenda.
    Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Fordham, second by Higgins to approve the minutes of the last meeting.
    Motion carried.
  4. Public Comment - None
  5. Communications - Kim notified the board that a laundry employee was fatally injured last night. Also discussed the old Benefit Club and her recent meeting with Liz Miller regarding donations to the new building. Discussion followed. On November 21st Horty/Elving will be sending a professional photographer here to take pictures of the building.
  6. Tim updated the board on the building construction. Building is basically complete. Kraemer Brother's officially turned the building over to us last Friday. Still is some clean up work to be done. Some items left from the state inspector's list to complete. Discussion followed regarding having the fire departments and EMT's do another walk through of the building. The wireless network equipment was approved at the last board meeting. FF&E update was presented. Were generally impressed with Studio 121 people and their efficiency with putting in the FF&E.

    Joan expressed her appreciation of Tim's handling of the general building and "tight" handling of change orders. His expertise was greatly appreciated.

  7. Kerry Beghin updated the board on the budget. Tim has some additional change orders to be processed. May combine into one change order. No concerns were expressed. We are still under budget.

    Schedule for the Open House - Marty will be the M.C., Ken West will give the invocation, Art Carlson will sing, remarks will be from Mayor Carol Held, a representative from MATC, Representative Clark and Paul Endres. This will be followed by the ribbon cutting. Buses will be available for shuttle to the new building from MATC and Westside School.

  8. Next meeting will be December 3, at 8:00 a.m. at the new Sauk County Health Care Center Board Room.

    Motion by Bychinski, second by Fordham to adjourn.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary