Health Care Center
Board of Trustees

DATE: June 4, 2009

PRESENT: Paul Endres, Arthur Carlson, Terri Langer, Henry Netzinger, William Higgins, Larry Schroeder, Linda Borleske

OTHERS PRESENT: Penny Clary, Bill McClary, Kim Gochanour, staff

1. Called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open meeting law requirements were met.

2. Motion by Carlson, second by Netzinger to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

3. Motion by Higgins, second by Schroeder to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

4. Public comment - none

5. Communication - Kim indicated that the Lobby Day that she and Art attended was helpful to get the bill regarding Certified Public Expenditures moving along. It now goes to the Assembly and on to the Governor.

6. Bill summarized the Waste Water Treatment Plant annual report. All systems are working well and all within limits set by the DNR.

Motion by Schroeder, second by Netzinger to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.

7. Discussion of Form 1 of the Budget. Kim summarized the short and long term goals that were included. Discussion followed.

Motion by Borleske, second by Carlson to approve Form 1 of the budget process. Motion carried.

8. Discussion and approval of write-offs. Penny summarized write-offs as requested. Some question regarding one write-off so more information will be gathered.

Motion by Schroeder, second by Langer to approve the majority of the write-offs in the amount of $26,000. Motion carried.

9. Chairman Endres was not present for the last Building Committee Meeting so Bill McClary updated the board.

10. Business office report and voucher review. Penny updated the board on the progress with aged receivables and reviewed vouchers for the month. Some changes to the report were requested.

Motion by Netzinger, second by Borleske to approve the vouchers in the amount of $93,420.62. Motion carried.

11. Administrator's report. Kim updated the board on various activities of the HCC over the past month.

12. Monthly donations.

Motion by Borleske, second by Langer to approve the donations for the month in the amount of $86.00. Motion carried.

13. Next meeting will be July 9 at 5:30 p.m.

Motion by Netzinger, second by Langer to adjourn. Motion carried.

Paul Endres, Chairperson