Finance Committee

DATE: September 23, 2009

Members present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Marty Krueger, Joan Fordham, Steve Bach, William F. Wenzel

Others present: Judy Ashford, Brent Bailey, Kerry Beghin, Cindy Bodendein, Stephanie Box, Dan Brattset, Ann Burton, Darin Carignan, Penny Clary, Pat Dederich, Paul Endres, Jennifer Erickson, Kim Gochanhour, Lynn Horkan, Megan Jeidy, Steve Koenig, Bonnie Konkel, Steve Muchow, Bill Orth, Steve Pate, Kathy Schauf, Mark Steward, Tony Tyczynski, Joe VanBerkel, Trish Vandre, Cathy Warwick, Media

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Bychinski at 8:15 AM. Certification of open meeting compliance was given. Motion by Fordham to adopt the agenda, second by Bach. Motion carried.

Opening Comments: The Library funding formula was reviewed. Schauf recited the statute and reviewed the formulas and specific funding levels included in the budget documentation. There was discussion about Library funding and their options if County does not fully fund the requested amount.

Public Works Functional Group

Highway: Muchow stated the Highway Department is doing less roadwork due to decreased funding from the State local road improvement plan. Muchow stated he is comfortable with requested budget. Further reduction would cause maintenance/patch costs to increase along with other expenses. Land Conservation and townships want mowing maintained due to invasive weeds. The State has cut back on mowing; Muchow indicated this will cost more in a few years and require hand work. The issue of safety around less mowing was discussed. Revenues from State to County are down due to decreased mowing and closing the waysides early this year. Muchow stated the townships in the County are continuing to use Highway. Muchow said other staffing options have been looked at for winter snow plowing but feel the current schedule best serves the County for both costs and service. Current projects are on track and have come in under budget for costs. Hourly rental rates to the state will rise with the change in State service. There is an adequate supply of salt, but price has increased. Fuel costs have been stable. Muchow stated the department projects an additional two staff in 2011 funded through the State, due to the HWY 12 change of jurisdiction.

Health & Human Services Functional Group

Vandre distributed a functional group document outlining current and future collaborations. She indicated the group meets regularly. Vandre reviewed the collaborations. The combination of home care and personal care for efficiencies was discussed. Vandre highlighted the issue of changing demographics in the Lake Delton area. Human Services identified the critical issue of housing. There is no funding for homelessness, some philanthropic organizations do help but needs are not met. Fordham commended the group on their collaboration.

Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC): Vandre indicated the budget is very similar to previous years. No dramatic changes in programming. Only major change is an increase in transportation expense which is offset by grant revenues. The transportation grant will fund fleet vehicles for the functional group to share and buses to augment and replace current busses. There was only a minor decrease in Older American Grant due to State budget.

Bioterrorism: Preparedness funding and budget has been moved to public health.

Environmental Health: Bodendein indicated that in July 2009 a limited agent contract was signed with the Department of Health, increasing revenues.

Health Care Center (HCC): Gochanhour stated 2010 continues to be a transitional year. She indicated the HCC will see interim and retro rates from Medicaid due to increased capital costs in new building. The 2010 budget includes the decommissioning of old building, funded with fund balance. HCC will continue to right size the staffing levels as settle they into the new building. Budgeted revenues were based on a census of 80; Medicare and private pay mix should increase in the new building. Contingent on the market, HCC plans to add outpatient therapy on site. Gochanhour discussed the need to balance Medicare and Medicaid numbers to keep a sustainable rate and minimize levy impact. The Committee discussed the opportunity to add other services in the HCC.

Home Care: Bodendein indicated the census for services is stable, but down from last year. Challenged with increasing lack of insurance and maintaining funding for no levy impact.

Human Services (HS): Orth reviewed the significant cuts to funding in Human Services due to the State budget. The HS goal was to make up as much of those cuts as possible. Staffing reallocation, alternate care, economic support caseload, and the transition of family care were discussed. Orth highlighted state funding change for institutions and increased revenue sources. Orth described the use of student interns in the department. The purchase of fleet vehicles through the transportation grant was discussed. Orth indicated there are risks taken in the requested budget in order to minimize the levy impact. If the situations cause uncontrollable costs to be over budget HS would use their contingency reserve. If the same situation continues for 2011 HS then need to look at reducing services. Orth shared that Wisconsin County Human Services Association has been meeting monthly with two State secretaries about "what do we need to do differently?" Strategic ideas are being formulated for short and long term. Regionalization and change in mental health services to juveniles are a few items discussed.

Public Health (PH): Bodendein discussed H1N1 preparedness and the vaccination plans. Bodendein highlighted the tobacco funding cuts by the State and the formation of a regional coalition. Overall PH is noticing a decline in Federal/State funding. Preparedness activities will also be regionalized with 17 counties.

Veterans Service: Tyczynski distributed and reviewed a summary document for the Veterans Service Office (VSO). He indicated more veterans are showing up with mental health issues resulting in a more time-intensive caseload. VSO works closely with ADRC for transportation. Other departments refer veterans to VSO. VSO does have contact with the jail and works with veterans as they are preparing to be released. Tony confirmed the move to this functional group has been positive. The trends show an increase of approximately 30% increase in people served. Current economic climate has increased veterans seeking assistance.

Women Infants and Children (WIC): Bodendein stated WIC is a fully funded program. As numbers served increase, revenue increases. The program continues to grow and has a large caseload. Lead testing at WIC clinics has created a successful new revenue source.

Recessed at 11:05 PM, and reconvened at 1:00 PM.

Land Resources Functional Group

Pate reviewed the group collaborations and activities, and their continued goal to eliminate duplicative tasks. Much focus will be on the GIS project. The group operates across County departments and provides information to those outside the county. Burton reiterated the interaction with the Treasurer real property listing staff, with the goal of efficiencies and good service in mind.

Alice in Dairyland: No changes to budget and programs. Erickson noted funds are slowly being spent down; interest is no longer maintaining the program.

Arts, Humanities & Historic Preservation: No changes to programs. Ashford indicated there were great applications for the 2009 grants. They are one of 17 organizations in state receiving re-granting funding. Ashford commented on the successful support for the Sauk County Historical Society and their multiple programs.

Baraboo Range : Steward stated this program is nearing the end; there is one more project in 2010. Remaining dollars will be used for ongoing monitoring. Ongoing monitoring and the requirements were discussed. VanBerkel indicated that the monitoring will cross multiple departmental boundaries.

Board of Adjustment: Steward indicated 2009 special exception permits are up. Based on trends, the budget includes two additional hearings over the 2009 budget. Ordinance rewrites may have an effect on this Board dependent on process modification.

Farm: The farm continues to provide revenue to the County each year.

Forest Management: Koenig noted there is no planned activity in 2010, next planned forest thinning is 2011. Trees fared well in the 2008 flood

Land Conservation: VanBerkel highlighted cost share history for conservation practices for farms. The Dell Creek project will end 2011. Through attrition staffing has been reduced 4.25 FTE in recent years; staff reductions will mean reduction in services. The budget request includes an appropriation for clean sweep program. Recycling, disposal and clean sweep opportunities were discussed.

Land Records Modernization (LRM) and Mapping: Pate indicated the projects funded pertain to the improvement of land records. In 2010 the orthophotography project is a collaborative effort with functional group. The GIS position is shared 50/50 in both the LRM and Mapping 2010 budgets. The GIS position's goal is to pull together electronic geographic information for better use and manageability, standardize data and create a system to allow the end user to update information. When that project is complete Pate estimates there will be other benefits to the County and would likely seek to make the position permanent. Revenues have decreased due to more information available on the web.

Parks: Koenig reviewed the Redstone Dam repairs analysis and estimate. Koenig will apply for a grant for dam repairs. Koenig noted the Redstone dam was determined a high hazard dam, increasing the odds to receive grant funding. Estimates currently are under budget. Schauf noted there are $1 million CDBG funds available for remediation at Lake Redstone . The Delton Dam is a low hazard dam. Koenig highlighted the repairs necessary; estimated repairs are in line with budget. He noted the Parks has no outlay budgeted in 2010. The fleet is updated and equipment is holding up well and replacement rotation has been extended.

Planning & Zoning (P&Z): Steward noted the department is finishing the County comprehensive plan. The next step is the consistency process involving the rewrite of ordinances. The budget reflects the 0.5 FTE GIS position moving to the Mapping department and shared with LRM. Steward expressed the success of the GIS position and the coordination across departments. He noted an additional 0.5 FTE staff reduction in P&Z; staffing has been reduced 28% over the last three years. P&Z has worked to keep levy down through reduction of staff and examining trends for aggressive budgeting. Steward noted the 2010 budget request includes new copier purchase, revenue decreases, and staff reallocation.

Register of Deeds: Bailey indicated the real estate index starts with the Register of Deeds. Fees are collected for services and recording of each document. Bailey highlighted progress toward electronic recording module. The department is 1.6 FTE positions less than three years ago; the requested budget includes elimination of a vacant position. However, the budget includes limited term employee expense for summer work. Bailey noted document processing has decreased; 2010 includes a decrease in revenues. He shared the State's plan to roll out a new centralized vital records system.

Surveyor: Most significant change in the 2010 is the copier request.

UW-Extension (UWEX): Erickson highlighted UWEX programs and how they are a foundation in economic development. Arts and Culture is also part of entrepreneurship and cultural development. Erickson noted the 2010 budget request includes a copier. Erickson reviewed the staffing added to the department through other federal funded grants. She discussed the State mandated furloughs. Erickson indicated the Fair Board request was held to the same level as last year.

Motion by Wenzel to recess the meeting, second by Fordham. Motion carried. 2010 Budget presentations will begin at 8:15 AM on Thursday, September 24, 2010.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Bach

Finance Committee Secretary