Economic Development Committee

DATE: December 28, 2009

Members present: Marty Krueger, Don Stevens, Joel Gaalswyck, Al Dippel, Marcy Huffaker, Gerald Lehman

Members absent: Kathy Zowin

Others present: Kathy Schauf

The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:30 p .m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Dippel, second by Lehman, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.

The meeting minutes from prior meetings were approved on a motion by Lehman, second by Huffaker. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Communications: Merrimac Communications concerns over EDA grant. To be discussed with the EDA grant application.

Business Items

Update on Merrimac Bridge Study by Marty Krueger.

Krueger reported on the status of the Merrimac Railroad Bridge study. A draft copy was presented. The current plan is to have the Economic Development Committee host a meeting at which a final report will be distributed to the general public, at the next meeting on January 25, 2010. We will utilize video technology to bring in engineers from Tampa and Eau Claire . All interested parties / stakeholders will be invited to attend.

The goal is to utilize the report and its findings to facilitate a discussion of ongoing rail issues and attending developments. The meeting is intended to have the County serve as a neutral party that can facilitate discussion of all issues surrounding rail in Sauk County .

Update on EDA grant application . The SHPO report and analysis from Fish and Wildlife are anticipated shortly . There was discussion regarding Merrimac Communications, Ltd. Correspondence and concerns over the development of the fiber optic infrastructure.

Consideration of criteria and process for Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds.

Committee considered program criteria and timeline for moving the program forward. A draft of documents to go to municipalities was distributed. The process timeline for approval by the Board was also discussed. Recovery zone will be designated as interest is expressed by local municipalities.

Consideration of property study

Identify one property to do an assessment on to present to Property and Resources. The Health Care Center property was identified as a potential starting point.

Next meeting date: January 21, 2010, and a special meeting on January 25, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. M otion by Stevens, second by Dippel, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Kathy Zowin, Economic Development Committee Secretary