Economic Development Committee

DATE: August 24, 2009

Members present: Marty Krueger, Al Dippel, Don Stevens, Joel Gaalswyck, Marcy Huffaker, Gerald Lehman, Kathy Zowin

Members absent: none

Others present: Kathy Schauf, presenters, media

The meeting was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 6:30 p .m. The agenda was approved on a motion by Dippel, second by Stevens, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.


Public Comment: None

Communications: Krueger reported on a request from wiconnectwireless for a letter of support to bring broadband to the County.

Business Items

Budget requests:

•  Tri-County Airport - Marc Higgs made a request for $17,468. The budget includes a main ramp project. Cost share is $11,250 (2.5% of 450,000). Motion by Gaalswyck, second by Dippel to recommend to Finance the request of $17,468. Motion by Stevens, second by Lehman to amend amount to $17,768. Motion to amend failed. Original motion carried.

•  Wisconsin River Rail Transit - Amy Seeboth and Ken Lucht - $27,100; highlighted 3 primary projects - 11K in railroad ties, 2 structures between Lodi and Devil's Lake; and 15 M to relay continuous welded rail from Madison to Milton . Motion by Gaalswcyk, second by Huffaker to recommend the request for $27,100 to the Finance Committee. Motion carried.

•  Baraboo Dells Airport - Cheryl Geise; $4,100 request.

•  Reedsburg Airport - Solverson Aviation - $4,100 request. Highlighted changes in the airport property within the last year.

•  Sauk Prairie Airport - David Landsverk - $4,100. Privately owned, public use airport.

•  Motion by Dippel, second by Gaalswyck to consider all three airports simultaneously and recommend to Finance the requested amount of $4,100 for each of the airports. Motion carried.

•  Sauk County Development Corporation - Karna Hanna, Rodger Friede, Merlin Zitzner; - $67,528. Motion by Lehman, second by Stevens to recommend to the Finance Committee the budget request of $67,528. Motion carried .

Update on Merrimac Bridge Study Ken Lucht reported on findings to date on the Merrimac Bridge study. Final study will be available mid-September. Trusses and spans have some rust, there is scouring and degradation of the piers. Tonnage limitations exist and the study will include an update on the standards necessary for converting from E40 to E80.


Consideration of Norlight Communications request . Norlight brought forward a potential request for use of fiber. Norlight wants to pay one up-front cost for a 20 year lease and ongoing maintenance. Highlights need for potential restructure of fee structure.

Update on Hilbert Communications agreement . No installation has been made at this point. Orders are out and equipment is being accumulated.

Consideration and discussion of EDA grant application . Additional information on engineering and environmental narrative have been provided to the EDA. We will continue to provide updates regarding environmental impacts and historic implications as they become available. We expect no problems based on initial research.

Transportation - on hold till September

Overview of property inventory . Information was distributed for discussion at the next meeting.

Next meeting date: September 28, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. M otion by Gaalswyck, second by Stevens, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Zowin

Economic Development Committee Secretary