Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee

Date:  Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Time: 8:15 a.m.

Place:  Conference Room 213, Second Floor, West Square Building, 505 Broadway,               Baraboo, Wisconsin


Members Present: 
Robert Cassity, Chair, Steven Bach, Tommy Lee Bychinski, Arthur Carlson, Marcy Huffaker

Others Present:  Kathryn Schauf, Sauk County Administrative Coordinator, Tony Tyczynski, Veterans Service Officer, Trish Vandre, Aging & Disability Resource Center Director, Lee J. Roundy, Aging & Disability Resource Center Fiscal Accounting Technician
Absent:  None

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by R. Cassity at 8:15 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

AGENDA: Motion by T. Bychinski to adopt the Agenda, second by M. Huffaker.  Motion carried.

ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion by A. Carlson to approve the February 11, 2009 Minutes, as drafted, second by M. Huffaker. Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT:  None registered.
COMMUNICATIONS:  None registered.
Veteran Service Officer Update:  T. Tyczynski distributed and presented the highlights of the February/March 2009 Department Update. 
Approval of Monthly Vouchers:  Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the February 2009 vouchers in the amount of $136.34, second by M. Huffaker.     Motion carried.
                  2.   Consider Possible Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85(1)(c)                          Considering Employment, Promotion, Compensation, or Performance Evaluation Data of any Public Employee Over Which the Governmental Body has Jurisdiction or Exercises Responsibility.  Performance Evaluation of Veteran Service Officer.  Motion by S. Bach to go into closed session, second by T. Bychinski; Ayes:  Cassity, Bach, Bychinski, Carlson, Huffaker; Nays:  None.
Consider Reconvening in Open Session:  Motion by T. Bychinski, second by M. Huffaker.  Motion carried.

Aging & Disability Resource Center Director Update:  T. Vandre distributed and presented the highlights of the February/March 2009 Department Update.
Consider Approval of 2008 Carryforward:  Motion by S. Bach to not use $51,213.00 from the Fund Balance for ADRC implementation expenses, as approved in the 2008 ADRC Budget, but to use $19,815.00 from the Fund Balance for the Home Delivered Meal Program and $27,905.00 from the Fund Balance for the Information Assistance Program. Also, to acknowledge the Carryforward of $10,000.00 from the 2008 Homemaker Program to be used in the 2009 Homemaker Program, as approved in the 2009 ADRC Budget.  Motions Motions carried.
Review Financial Statements:  L. Roundy presented the monthly Financial ;Statements and entertained any questions.
Consider Approval of Monthly Vouchers:  Motion by T. Bychinski to approve the February 2009 vouchers in the amount of $44,256.84, second by A. Carlson.Motion carried.
2010 Budget Preparation Review Form 1, Short-term and Long-term Goals:Committee discussed short-term and long-term goals.
Discuss Idea of Private Pay Policy for Older American Act Programs:  Committee continued discussion of the provision of services on a private pay basis.
Consider Approval of AddLIFE Today Partnership Policy:  Committee continued discussion of the policy, no action taken.
Consider Approval of Resolution Implementing Deviated Fixed Route Service in Sauk County:  Motion by T. Bychinski to approve Resolution No. 25-09 Resolution Implementing Deviated Fixed Route Service in Sauk County, second by A. Carlson.  Motion carried.


AGING & DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER OF SOUTHWEST WISCONSIN- NORTH BOARD UPDATE:  S. Bach presented the update from the most recent meeting.

NEXT MEETING:  The next Regular Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at 8:15 a.m. at the West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Conference Room 213.

ADJOURNMENT:  Motion by T. Bychinski to adjourn the Aging & Disability Resource Center Committee, second by A. Carlson.  Motion carried.

Signed by: S. Bach, Secretary