Board of Supervisors


DATE: Tuesday, November 10, 2009

West Square Building , 505 Broadway, Room #326, Baraboo , Wisconsin

Pursuant to ' 65.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes, a Public Hearing on the proposed 2010 Sauk County Budget was held at 6:00 p. m. in Room #326 (County Board Room) of the West Square Building for the purpose of soliciting comments from the public regarding the 2010 Sauk County Budget for County Operations:

•  6:00 p.m., Convene Public Hearing on the proposed 2010 Sauk County Budget : Marty Krueger, County Board Chair

•  Budget Presentation: Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator

•  Public Comment: None.

•  6:10 p.m., Adjourn Public Hearing: Marty Krueger, County Board Chair



•  6:10 p.m., November Annual Session of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors was called to order immediately following the Public Hearing .

•  Compliance with Open Meeting Law.

•  Roll call: Present: (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz.

•  Invocation and pledge of allegiance.

Moment of silence in memory of Adelmer Knuth, former County Board member from the Township of Westfield; and for Arlene Volz, wife of Board member Larry Volz.

•  Approve amended, amended agenda: Moved (Tollaksen/Carlson). Motion carried unanimously .

•  Approve minutes of previous session: Moved (Fordham/Alexander). Motion carried unanimously .

•  Scheduled Appearances: None.

•  Public Comment: None.

•  Communications:

Letter from Dane County Planning and Development Department, giving notice of public hearing on December 22, 2009 regarding amending the Dane County Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Town of Sun Prairie Comprehensive Plan Amendments .

•  Bills & Referrals: None.

•  Claims:

Claim filed by the Estate of Christopher Ramsey and Janet & Melvin Ramsey in the amount of $500,000.00 for alleged damages incurred and suffered by Christopher Ramsey in the Sauk County Jail. Chair Krueger referred claim to the Executive & Legislative Committee.

Notice of Claim for injury from Timothy J. Matthews for alleged injuries incurred in the Sauk County Jail. Chair Krueger referred claim to the Executive & Legislative Committee.

•  Appointments:

Complete Count Committee :

•  Gene Dahloff, % Baraboo Area Chamber of Commerce, 600 Chestnut St , Baraboo WI 53913

•  Robert Janke, 1538 15 th St , Baraboo WI 53913

•  Christine Koenecke, PO Box 142 , Reedsburg WI 53959

•  Frank Brey, 2101 Winfield Dr , Reedsburg WI 53959

•  Bridgett Flood, E3497 Croal Hollow Rd , Hillpoint WI 53937

•  Kelly Felton, % Sauk County West Square Bldg, 505 Broadway, Rm 218, Baraboo WI 53013

•  Mary Prem, S8381 Hwy 23, Loganville WI 53943

•  Dale Hottmann, 215 W Hoxie St , Spring Green WI 53588

•  Donna Stehling, 503 Monroe St , Sauk City WI 53583

•  William Stehling, 503 Monroe St , Sauk City WI 53583

Chair Krueger clarified the Complete Count Committee is in conjunction with participating municipalities, and does not pay per diem or mileage.

Moved (Tollaksen/Ashford), to approve appointments. Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously .

•  Unfinished Business.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and PROPERTY & RESOURCE: Resolution 127-09 Approving Dark Fiber Lease Agreement With Kentucky Data Link, Inc., (to lease two (2) dark fiber). Moved (Hartje/Bychinski). Supervisor Hartje with overview. Discussion regarding lease agreement, and clarification that lease agreement is for fiber optic cable. Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously .

LAND CONSERVATION: Resolution 134-09 Authorizing Reimbursement For Attendance At The Wisconsin Land And Water Conservation Association Conference. Moved (Posewitz/Borleske). Supervisor Posewitz with overview. AYE : (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Sinklair. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried .

•  Reports - informational - no action required :

•  Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, rezoning petitions received per Wisconsin State Statutes 59.69(5)(e) : None.

•  Kerry P. Beghin, CPA, Controller: 3 rd Quarter Financial Report.

•  Supervisor Endres, Chair, Health Care Center Building Committee, with update:

•  Building completed and approved for occupancy.

•  Open house on November 17, 2009 was attended by over 800 people.

•  November 17, 2009 move in date.

•  Supervisor Endres, Vice-Chair, Executive & Legislative Committee, with update on October and November meetings. Next meeting: 12/0109, at 8::00 a.m.

•  Supervisor Sinklair requested an update on the H1N1 Public Health Emergency.

•  Marty Krueger, County Board Chair.:

•  Upcoming Board of Trustees appointments.

•  Successful Health Care Center open house on November 17, 2009.

•  Reminder to RSVP by Friday, December 04, 2009 to Sauk County Clerk Beverly J. Mielke for the County Board Holiday Party to be held on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at the Farm Kitchen, Baraboo.

•  Thank you to the UW Extension, Arts & Culture Committee, and citizens Bill Schuette, Ron Berg, June Albertus and Monica Legal for creating a booklet on the history of the Sauk County Health Care Center (on file).

•  Supervisor Cassity health status.

•  WCA reports - contact Board members in attendance.

•  Kathryn Schauf, Administrative Coordinator: Additional two (2) million dollars awarded for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Applications available on Sauk County web site:

•  Consent Agenda:


Resolution 142-09 Honoring Richard Goddard.


Resolution 143-09 Commending Larry Schroeder For 2 Years Of Faithful Service To The People Of Sauk County .

Moved (Wenzel/Netzinger). Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously . Mr. Schroeder was not in attendance due to a prior commitment. Chair Krueger presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Goddard, who gave an overview of his 22 years of service on the Pink Lady Rail Commission, and rail traffic in Sauk County;, and thanked the Economic Development Committee, citizen members, and the Board for service.

•  Resolutions & Ordinances:


Resolution 144-09 Authorizing Reimbursement For Attendance At The Sauk County Workforce Education Summit II. Moved (Hartje/Wenzel). Supervisors Wenzel and Hartje with overview. Supervisor Hartje with recommendation of future change to the Rules of the Board to allow oversight committees authorization to approve attendance at workshops and conferences. Chair Krueger with overview of Workforce Education Summit II. Vote: AYE : (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Sinklair. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried .


Resolution 145-09 Authorizing The Purchase Of Wireless Network Hardware For The Health Care Center . Moved (Endres/Fordham). Supervisor Endres with overview. Supervisor Stevens and Steve Pate, Management Information Systems (MIS) Coordinator, regarding bids, State contract and purchase agreement. Supervisor Sinklair regarding wireless security. Vote: AYE : (28) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (1) Sinklair. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried .


R esolution 146-09 Amending The 2009 Budget For Appropriation And Allocation Of The Funds Necessary To Apply For A Federal Grant To Extend The Current Fiber Optic Network. Moved (Gaalswyk/Fordham). Supervisors Gaalswyk and Fordham with overview. Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously .


Resolution 146A-09 Authorizing The County To Participate With The Town Of Spring Green As A Co-Applicant On An Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant For Flood Control. Moved (Gaalswyk/Halfen). Supervisors Gaalswyk and Halfen with overview. Discussion regarding Economic Development authority, and clarification this is in addition to the buy out of flood damaged homes in the Spring Green area. Moved (Lehman/)Wenzel, to allow Don Greenwood and Ed Lilla, representatives of Jewell Associates Engineers, Inc., Spring Green, and John McKenna, Supervisor of the Town of Spring Green, to address the Board. Motion carried unanimously . Don Greenwood and Ed Lilla, representatives of Jewell Associates Engineers, Inc., and John McKenna, Supervisor of the Town of Spring Green, addressed the Board regarding proposed project relating to a drainage system, funding, and groundwater issues. Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously .


Resolution 147-09 County Aid For Bridge Construction Under § 82.08 Of The State Statutes. Moved (Hartje/Montgomery). Supervisor Hartje with overview. Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously .


Resolution 148-09 Authorizing The Purchase Of A Replacement Vehicle For Shared County Department Use. Moved (Zowin/Borleske). Supervisors Zowin and Borleske with overview. Discussion regarding replacement vehicle, warranty, fuel costs, and budgeted amount for purchase of vehicle. Vote: AYE : (24) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (5) Halfen, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, and Netzinger. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried .


Resolution 149-09 Authorization To Accept The Bid Of Koenecke Construction For Construction Of The Law Enforcement Training Center - Shoot House Portion. Moved (Stevens/Hartje). Supervisors Stevens and Hartje with overview. Discussion regarding bids, operational costs, total cost of project, MATC virtual range, alternatives, ongoing training, and estimated Range Association financial contributions. Moved (Endres/Tollaksen), for the previous question (to end discussion). Vote: AYE : (26) Alexander, Ashford, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (3) Bach, Kriegl and Sinklair. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried . Supervisor Sinklair called a point of order, and requested the record be checked to verify if there was pressure on a member of the Board from another member on how to vote. Vote on ordinance: AYE : (19) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Stehling, Stevens, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (9) Borleske, Halfen, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Sinklair, Stoeckmann and Wiese. ABSTAIN: (1) Posewitz. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried .


Ordinance 150-09 Petition 13-2009 Approving The Rezoning Lands In The Township Of Ironton From An Exclusive Agricultural To An Agricultural Zoning District Filed Upon Jeffrey And Mary Wise, Property Owner/Agent. Moved (Ashford/Lehman). Supervisors Ashford and Lehman with overview. Discussion regarding deed restrictions, upcoming changes to the State Farm Preservation Program, and support of, and opposition to ordinance.. Vote: AYE : (24) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (5) Gaalswyk, Halfen, Kriegl, Sinklair and Wiese. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried . Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to §59.02(2), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, November 10, 2009.


Resolution 151-09 Approving Liability, Property And Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage, Carriers And Premiums For Sauk County From January 01, 2010 To January 01, 2011. Moved (Posewitz/Montgomery). Supervisors Posewitz and Montgomery with overview. Carl Gruber, Safety Risk Manager, regarding rates. Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously .

Resolution 152-09 Authorizing The Sale Of County Owned Property. Moved (Posewitz/Carlson). Supervisors Posewitz and Carlson with overview. Discussion regarding bids; septic and well installation; master plan for all County properties; old Health Care Center demolition; and sale process. Vote: AYE : (19) Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Dippel, Fordham, Hartje, Haugen, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese and Endres. NAY: (10) Alexander, Bychinski, Carlson, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Netzinger, Zowin and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried .

Taken off agenda: PROPERTY & RESOURCE Resolution 153-09 Rescinding Resolution 125-09 Which Authorized The Sale Of An Out Lot At The Sauk County Health Care Center Property In The City Of Reedsburg ToReedsburg Utilities.

Resolution 153A-09 Approving Tower Space Lease Agreement With T-Mobile Wireless. Moved (Bychinski/Meister). Supervisor Bychinski with overview. Vote: AYE : (29) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion carried unanimously .


Resolution 154-09 Approving Dark Fiber Lease Agreement With Kentucky Data Link, Inc., (to lease four (4) dark fiber).


Ordinance No. 155-09 Establishing Taxes to be Levied in Sauk County for Year 2010. Moved (Bychinski/Fordham). Supervisors Bychinski and Fordham with overview. Discussion regarding budget process.

Moved (Alexander/Sinklair), to amend the ordinance to approve transferring $944,449.00 from the contingency fund to support a zero (0) percent budget increase in dollars levied over the 2009 budget. Discussion in support of, and in opposition to taking money from the fund balance; alternatives; and shift in revenue streams. Vote on motion to amend: AYE : (9) Alexander, Borleske, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Lehman, Sinklair, Stoeckmann, Wiese and Zowin. NAY: (20) Ashford, Bach, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Kriegl, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Endres and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion to amend failed .






Motion (Stevens/Halfen), to amend the ordinance to approve zero (0) mill rate increase by taking $1,064,075.00 out of operations. Discussion regarding mill rate process; basic necessary services, and support and opposition to amendment. Vote on motion to amend: AYE : (8) Borleske, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Kriegl, Lehman, Sinklair, Stevens and Stoeckmann. NAY: (21) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion to amend failed .

Motion (Kriegl/Gaalswyk), to amend the ordinance to decrease the Sheriff's Department budget by $800,000.00 by closing Pod A and layoff of staff. Discussion regarding analysis of Sauk County Jail; revenue; and support and opposition to amendment.

Moved (Bach/Tollaksen), for the previous question, (to end discussion on amendment). Vote on motion for the previous question: AYE : (23) Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Fordham, Gaalswyk, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Stevens, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (6) Alexander, Dippel, Halfen, Kriegl, Sinklair and Stoeckmann. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion for the previous question carried .

Vote on motion to amend the ordinance to decrease the Sheriff's Department budget by $800,000.00 by closing Pod A and layoff of staff: AYE : (8) Borleske, Gaalswyk, Halfen, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Stoeckmann and Wiese. NAY: (21) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Hartje, Huffaker, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Sinklair, Stehling, Stevens, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Zowin, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (0). ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion to amend failed .

After all Supervisors were given an opportunity to speak regarding the ordinance, Motion (Tollaksen/Bychinski), for the previous question, (to end discussion on ordinance) . Vote on motion for the previous question: AYE : (22) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Hartje, Haugen, Huffaker, Lehman, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stevens, Stoeckmann, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese and Endres. NAY: (7) Gaalswyk, Halfen, Kriegl, Sinklair, Stehling, Zowin and Krueger. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Motion for the previous question carried .

Vote on original ordinance: AYE : (20) Alexander, Ashford, Bach, Borleske, Bychinski, Carlson, Dippel, Fordham, Hartje, Huffaker, Meister, Montgomery, Netzinger, Posewitz, Stehling, Tollaksen, Wenzel, Wiese, Endres and Krueger. NAY: (9) Gaalswyk, Halfen, Haugen, Kriegl, Lehman, Sinklair, Stevens, Stoeckmann and Zowin. ABSENT: (2) Cassity and Volz. Ordinance carried . Total County expenses of $79,401,386; levy rate, including special purpose levies, of $4.34 per $1,000.00; and total levy dollars raised of $28,659,120.

•  Motion (Netzinger/Carlson) to adjourn until Tuesday, December 15, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously .

•  Adjournment: 10:26 p.m.

Original documents and audio mp3 recording on file @ Office of the Sauk County Clerk

West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913

Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
