UW Extention Arts & Culture Committee


DATE: August 27, 2009

Members present: Judy Ashford, Donna Stehling, Lester Wiese, Marcy Huffaker, Peter Tollaksen

Guests Present: Orris Smith, Dale Loomis, Al Anderson, George Koepp, Scott Zirzow, Alene Kledzik, Paul Wolter

UWEX Staff Present: Jenny Erickson, Jessica Jens, Sue Nagelkerk

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9 AM by Chair Ashford

Certification of Open Meeting Notice

Requirements of the Open Meeting Law were met.

Approval of Agenda

Motion made by Tollaksen, second by Wiese to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Motion made by Wiese, second by Stehling to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 2009. Motion carried.

Public Comment


A thank you was included in the packet from David Lenz, a Sauk County artist and a communication about the 2010 budget.

Budget 2010 Discussion

Sue Nagelkerk reported on a Wisline that she listened to where counties reported on their budget situations.

Consider Outside Organization Request of $10,000 for Sauk County Historical Society

Paul Wolter put together a PowerPoint and presented what has been done at the Sauk County Historical Society in the last year. There was a general consenus to submit their request as submitted for $10,000.

Consider Outside Organization Request of $25,000 for the Sauk County Fair Board

A presentation was given by George Koepp, Sauk County Agricultural Society President. He highlighted some of the improvements being made at the Sauk County Fairgrounds on the north end of the grounds which is the youth part of the Fair (painting buildings, tearing down some old buildings, getting new moveable stalls for the goats and sheep, etc.). However, after the presentation there was a general consenus that their request would be submitted for $20,000 and not the $25,000 requested.


Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers (UW Extension)

A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Huffaker to approve the vouchers for the month of July in the amount of $1,230.77. Motion carried.

UW Extension - Department Updates

Jessica Jens, Sauk County 4-H Youth Development Agent, reported on the workshop held for Sauk County Child Care Providers - "Let's Go Outside". This program was held free of charge to those in attendance. Each child care setting received a backpack with the curriculum, "Leave No Child Inside" which is geared for toddlers through 5th grade. The backpack also included bug boxes, compass, etc. The Baraboo and Reedsburg sessions were attended by 35 people which represented 225 children. Sue Nagelkerk, Sauk County Family Living Educator, was also involved in this seminar.

Sue Nagelkerk, Sauk County Family Living Educator, reported on the new workshop, "Cow-o-nomics" which was held in Reedsburg and at the Baraboo/Sauk County Campus. The participants ranged in age from 3rd - 5th grades and ran from 9 AM - 12 noon each day during the week. The Reedsburg session had 9 participants and the Baraboo session had 18 participants. This seminar was a joint effort in our office involving all 5 agents and including the Summer 4-H Intern and the VISTA employee. We have been asked if we would present this workshop in the Sauk area and again at the Campus next year.

Jenny Erickson, Sauk County Community Development Agent, reported on the various sessions that we have collaborated with other agencies.

It was also brought up that the Extension Office will no longer handle the Sauk County Plat Books. However, the Extension Office was approached to see if we wanted to handle them and the committee felt that we did not need to do that as it was no longer a 4-H fundraiser.

WACEC Annual/Summer Meeting in Columbia County - August 25, 2009

Wiese and Stehling reported on the WACEC Summer Meeting that they attended on August 25. Wiese attended a tour of the Arlington Farms and reported on the livestock research that was going on there. Stehling attended reported on a kids government program (FLAG).

Discussion and possible action on 4-H Position % Change

Jessica Jens reported that Upham Woods wanted her to be there 60% time (instead of 50% time). So the % change that affects the Sauk County UW Extension Office will now be: Jens 40% and Larsen 60%. A motion was made by Stehling to accept the 60-40% time changes, second by Tollaksen. Motion carried.


Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers

A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Wiese to pay the vouchers in the amount of $1,550.30. Motion carried.

Discussion and possible action of Good Idea Grants

There were 8 "Good Idea Grants" submitted. The action on these grants are as follows:

Sauk County Health Care Center History Brochure - $795.00

A motion was made by Wiese, second by Huffaker to grant the full amount of $795.00.

Motion carried.

Lake States Railway Historical Association - $255.98

A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Huffaker to grant the full amount of $255.98. Motion carried.

Sauk County Historical Society - $497.98

A motion was made by Wiese, second by Stehling to grant the full amount of $497.98.

Motion carried.

There was a motion made by Tollaksen, second by Wiese to deny the following grant requests:

Sauk-Prairie Optimists

Sauk-Prairie Middle School

History of Eagles by Kurt Wenger

History of the 82nd Airborne s told by WW II veterans

Blackhawk Wars - Kurt Wenger

Motion carried.

Discussion and possible action on the Good Idea Grant Policies

After a discussion of policies, a motion was made by Huffaker, second by Tollaksen to add the following to the policies of the Good Idea Grant:

1) that Good Idea Grant applications must be received in the Extension Office by the 10th of the month or they will not be brought up until the following month;

2) there can only be one application per person/organization.

Motion carried.

Discussion and possible action on Chapter 38, Sauk County Code of Ordinances

The language in Chapter 38 was changed to reflect the structural changes made to the Oversight Committee and the departmental responsibility changes due to the Committee changes. A motion by Tollaksen, second by Wiese to accept these changes. Motion carried.

Possible presentation on Arts & Culture re-design of web site

Lynn Zick showed a PowerPoint on the progress of the re-design of the Arts & Culture Web site.

Next Meeting - Thursday, September 24- 9 AM - ETN Room - 3rd Floor - West Square Building


A motion was made by Tollaksen, second by Stehling to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.