UW Extention Arts & Culture Committee

DATE: June 25, 2009

Members present: Judy Ashford, Donna Stehling, Lester Wiese, Marcy Huffaker and

Peter Tollaksen

Guests Present: Orris Smith, Dale Loomis and Al Anderson

UWEX Staff Present: Sue Nagelkerk, Danielle Varney, Denise Brusveen

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9 AM by Chair Ashford

Certification of Open Meeting Notice

Requirements of the Open Meeting Law were met.

Approval of Agenda

Motion made by Tollaksen, second by Wiese to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting

Motion made by Huffaker, second by Tollakson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 28, 2009. Motion carried.

Public Comment

Tollakson commented on the June Dairy Month social before the last County Board Meeting and how nice it was. Smith commented on the Friends of Wisconsin Historical Society.




Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers (UW Extension)

A motion was made by Wiese, second by Tollaksen to approve the vouchers for the month of May. Motion carried.

UW Extension - Department Updates

Denise Brusveen

Brusveen reported on the four farms she visited with the State Specialist regarding facility updates or new plans. She also reported that she and Doug Marshall, MATC instructor also visited four farms for consultations.

Danielle Varney

Varney reported on the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program which includes the coupons for the senior citizens to use at local Farmers Markets. One of the roles Varney has in this program is to train the interested vendors. They then receive a vendor sign that is displayed to let the senior citizens know they are a participate in this program. Varney reported that 325 checks totalling $8200.00 came to Sauk County through this program. Her other role is to do nutrition education.

Phyllis Both

Both is the Sauk County UW Extension Horticulture Educator. She reported that all 30 plots (20 x 20) in the Sauk-Prairie Community Garden have been leased. She also reported that Master Gardeners are working on the following projects: Kids Ranch, Mid Contenetial Railroad Hertiage Garden, Renewal Unlimited, Baraboo Communty Garden (with all produce going to the Baraboo Food Pantry), Log Cabin Museum and working with the Weston School District.

Sue Nagelkerk

Nagelkerk reported on the the very successful children's workshop "Cowonomics" that was sponsored by Sauk County UW Extension and Baraboo/Sauk County Campus. This was a week-long workshop at both the Baraboo/Sauk County Campus and the Westside Elementary School in Reedsburg. The Westside group had 10 students and the Campus session had 17 students.

State WACEC in LaCrosse - June 15-16 (Report)

Wiese and Stehling attended this yearly conference. Wiese attended the Amish Vegetable Garden session and theVernon County Tobacco Growers session which was an interesting session about convertin the tobacco fields to vineyards. He also reported on a straw house.

Stehling reported that she had attended the tour to the LaCrosse Zoo that included information on the animals habitats, etc. Her group also toured Granddad's Bluff.

WACEC Summer Meeting - August 25

Those interested need to sign up. There will be a tour of the Arlington Station included.

Discussion and approval of Budget Form 1

A motion by Huffaker, second by Stehling to accept Budget Form 1 with the noted changes. Motion carried.


Monthly Report/Review and Approval of Vouchers


Discussion and possible action of Good Idea Grants

A motion made by Tollakson, second by Stehling to approve the grant for the book binding project in the amount of $265.00. Motion carried.

Franklin Historical Society Book

Chair Ashford passed the book around.

Discussion and approval of Form 1 for the 2010 Budget

The Budget Form 1 was discussed. Motion made by Wiese, second by Tollakson to accept Budget Form 1 as written. Motion carried.

Consider concerns from Sauk County Historical Society regarding the county's comprehensive plan and possible changes to the name of our committe.

Some of the concerns discussed by Smith were:

- not all arts were not reflecting the committee - not history or preservation

- he praised the group for new things

- he would like to see preservation and history included

No action was taken.

Next Meeting - July 23 - 9 AM - ETN Room - 3rd Floor - West Square Building