Human Services Committee

DATE: December 10, 2007, 5:00 p.m., County Board Room, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Dippel, Bowers, Fordham, Vertein, Endres, Horenberger

Members Excused: Stoeckmann, Fabisiak

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Horkan

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Dippel, seconded by Horenberger to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Endres to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.



Business Items:

A. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Endres noted that salary and benefits were up this month and up, according to budget, for the year due to longevity paid out this month. Community Living and Support was up due to number of days in the month. Institutional costs were down due to annual credits from institutions. Income Maintenance was less due to fewer funerals and W-2 was less due to decrease in CWCAC billing. Energy Assistance was up slightly due to the cold weather. Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers to approve vouchers in the amount of $1,809,365.73. Motion Carried.

B. Review and Approve 2008 Rates: Horkan distributed the proposed rates for 2008 (see enclosed). Horkan noted that she used the same method as in previous years basing increases on MA rates plus inflation and increases in salary excepting contracted staff. The average increase across the board is 2.8% (excluding Birth-to-Three). Motion by Bowers, seconded by Vertein to approve rates as presented. Motion Carried.

C. State/County Contract Addenda: (2008 Administration of Child Care Programs) Horkan presented a summary of the 2008 State/County Contracts (see attached graph). Horkan noted that specific variances are based on a formula by history and at year end are reconciled to slots and percent match. In addition, some items are adjusted throughout the year. Horkan noted that the Income Maintenance allocation is lower than expected and lower than last year. Orth will look into this issue. Youth Aids was up, however, there is also an expense increase with the state budget. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Horenberger to approve State/County Contract as presented. Discussion: Endres asked if the capitation will go to Family Care. Orth noted that it will, however, there will not be expenses associated with services. There will be multiple providers contracting to include: Sauk County Department of Human Services staff and Family Care will be billed for case management to support these staff. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. Long Term Care Redesign: Orth reported that the startup for the Long Term Care, Family Care District will be projected to be in August 2008. Sauk County will be the first to initiate with Richland County. The ADRC timeline is to begin in June 2008. This will enable Sauk County to get additional startup dollars. Sauk County Department of Human Services care managers will have about 400 members who are current clients to go into Family Care. Wait list and new clients will go through the ADRC. Orth reported that the county's contribution and buy down was distributed last week. The county contribution in the first year is from August 2008 to August 2009 and is $1,274,225.00. This will be brought down 25% per year for a period of five years accumulating in a total in year five of $510,849.00. This will therefore net savings to BCA or levy. Orth noted that when care management begins, Sauk County Department of Human Services will get adult protective services dollars of $46,441.00 annually. Brattset reported on the LaCrosse Lakeview project meeting. Noted is the fact that there will be an intergovernmental charter contract management agreement pursued by the coalition. In addition, there will need to be a Sauk County Board member representative on the board of directors for Lakeview collaboration. There will be an annual membership meeting for counties to attend to discuss rates. More information to be forwarded in the future. Specific contract information will be sent to Corporation Counsel to review for signature. LaCrosse County is attempting to get the contracts in place with a startup date of January 1, 2008.

B. Boys and Girls Club Funding: Orth reported that the Boys and Girls Club presented at a recent County Board meeting and this resulted in the County Board voting to put $10,000 contribution via the Human Services budget. Currently, this method is under review by Sauk County Corporation Counsel to determine if county dollars can be donated to an organization. There is the possibility Orth noted that this could be done as a purchase of service contract to benefit Sauk County Department of Human Services' clients and families, if necessary. More information will be forthcoming on the potential donation to Boys and Girls Club, once Corporation Counsel determines this issue.

C. Challenging Children and Families Workgroup/Integrated Services: Brattset reported that there is one Families Come First case being piloted and another one being reviewed for start in the new future. The differences in working with these pilot families is, in summary, more rapid and timely assessments, better communication and collaboration with providers, innovative and additional resources from Children's Waiver Programs, as well as creative plans that take into account families in crisis with more specific crisis plans.

D. State Budget: Orth reported on the general review of the state budget, which was summarized in a handout in the packet distributed with the agenda. Particular items of interest to note were that Badger Care Plus will begin in 2008 and this will expand coverage for children. In addition, there will be an MA expansion for childless adults to occur in January 2009. Orth also talked about the development of a new Department of Children and Families. This new Department raises some challenges to include: increased potential for bureaucratic interface and confusion, however could also present the asset of having an increased focus and quality of services for children and families. Time will tell and WCHSA is interfacing with the new Department to insure a seamless transition.
E. AODA Crisis Services RFP Response: Orth reported that there were two applicants to the RFP on AODA/Crisis Services. They include: Pauquette Center and Innervisions. These two applications were scored and subsequent to that, interviews of representatives from these agencies will take place on December 13, 2007. A determination will be made subsequent to those interviews as to the choice of provider. Estimated start date for beginning the new contract is February 1, 2008.

F. Jail Case Management: Brattset reported that he and Orth have attended several meetings to discuss potential options for case management with jail inmates. Brattset summarized the overview of case management models and potential implications for Human Services to work in collaboration with the jail and other community providers. A meeting will occur on December 13, 2007 of the full committee developed by the County Board Chair to determine which direction to continue to pursue.

G. Ho-Chunk MOU-Presentation at 2008 National Indian Child Welfare Association Annual Conference: Orth noted that the Sauk County Department of Human Services and Ho-Chunk have developed a MOU which was accepted for presentation at the April 2008 National Indian Child Welfare Association Annual Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota. A number of staff will likely attend, with Ho-Chunk representatives to present at this workshop.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, January 7, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel. Motion Carried.

Scott Alexander