Transportation and Parks Committee

DATE: December 13, 2006


  1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje. Present: Hartje, Meister, Stevens, Volz, and Sprecher.

    Absent: None.

    Also present: Muchow; Carignan; Koenig; Warren Trager; Samuel Landis, Larry Chvojicek; Lance Gurney - Sauk Co. Planning & Zoning; Jamie Ramsey - Co-op Country Partners; Dave Krekowski - Omnni; Ken Rolefson - Ayres Assoc.; Gale Getschman; Bruce Meyer; Mary Klingenmeyer; Ed Geick; Chuck Bongard; Bob DeMars; Gene Fenske; Anna Krejci; Anne Wallace; Bob Fichter; Marvin Giebel; John Langhans - MSA; Terry Kramer; Bill Klemm; Randy Puttkamer; Tim Stone; Gary Cummings; Warren Mohar.

  2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Meister.
    Motion carried.
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister. Motion carried.
  4. Public Comment.
    No Action.
  5. Communications.
    1. Review Correspondence Received Regarding the Current Speed Limit on CTH T near 15th Street.
      No Action.
    2. Discussion regarding the possible creation of a lake within the Sauk County Community Forest.
      No Action.
  6. Department: Parks
    1. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Volz to approve November 2006 bills in the amount of $ 3,756.19 .
      Motion carried.
    2. Review Mower Quotes and Approve Purchase 8:15 a.m.
      9 Quotes were received for a mower. Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve the purchase of a mower from Enerson & Eggen, Inc. in the amount of
      $ 4,506.00 after trade.
      Motion carried.
    3. Discuss Re-roofing of Shelter at White Mound Park. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
    4. Discuss Re-bidding of Pulp Sale at Community Forest. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
    5. Update on Fish and Game Project at White Mound Park with Highway Dept.
      No Action.
    6. Discuss Landfill Closure Impacts on Parks and Highway Departments. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
  7. Department: Transportation
    1. Review and Approval of Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister to approve November 2006 bills in the amount of $ 484,655.69 .
      Motion carried.
    2. Review and Approval of Employee Requests for Vacation Carryovers.
      Gary Merrell - 86 hours
      Motion by Volz, seconded by Stevens to approve vacation carryover.
      Motion carried.
    3. Airport Report. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
    4. Railroad Report. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
    5. Review and Approve Consultant Selection for Design of CTH G Bridge.
      Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Stevens to approve MSA for the design of CTH G Bridge.
      Motion carried.
    6. Discuss Carpet and Door Replacement at Baraboo Facility. Discussion followed.
      Motion by Volz, seconded by Meister to replace carpet and doors as needed.
      Motion carried.
    7. Discuss Equipment Needs for 2007. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
    8. Discuss Attendance of WCHA Winter Conference January 29, 30, & 31, 2007. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
    9. Discuss Future Maintenance of Evergreen Drive, Town of Excelsior. Discussion followed.
      No Action.
    10. Discuss and Possible Action on Proposed Changes to USH 12 between Baraboo and Lake Delton. Discussion followed.
      Motion by Volz, seconded by Stevens to support keeping the current alignments of STH 33 and Pit Road and to not realign these roads into one intersection at USH 12.
      Motion carried.
      Motion by Volz, seconded by Stevens to maintain the current grade of STH 33 when the USH 12 bypass is constructed.
      Motion carried.
    11. Review and Approve Replacement of Office Windows at the Baraboo Highway Facility.
      Discussion followed.
      Motion by Volz, seconded by Stevens to approve replacement of office windows at the Baraboo Facility.
      Motion carried.
    12. Review and Approve 2007 State Routine Maintenance Agreement.
      No Action.
    13. Review and Approve Purchase of Replacement Mobil Radios.
      Motion by Meister, seconded by Volz to approve the purchase of replacement Mobil radio equipment in the amount of $ 14,984.88 .
      Motion carried.
  8. Next Meeting. Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
    Motion carried.
  9. Adjournment.

Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary

Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee Web Liaison