Personnel Committee

DATE: Friday, November 3, 2006
County Board Gallery


Members Present: P. Tollaksen, S. Alexander,H. Netzinger, J. Stoeckmann Absent: T. Meister

Others Present: M. Koehler, J. Briggs, C. Bodendien



The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair P. Tollaksen at 1:00 P.M. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by H.Netzinger to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.


Motion by S. Alexander, second by H. Netzinger, to approve the October 12, 2006, regular business meeting minutes of the Personnel Committee as distributed.
Motion carried


The Personnel Director stated she had received a letter regarding sick leave conversion. Members of the Committee noted receiving the same letter so it was deemed unnecessary to be discuss.


Public Health, Deputy Director C. Bodendien requested consideration and approval of a project position in the Public Health Department not to exceed eighteen months. The position would be for Preparedness Program Educator. The current Bio-Terrorism Consortium between Sauk, Adams, Juneau, Columbia and Marquette Counties will be dissolved as of December 31, 2006. Sauk County will continue to receive funding through the Federal program for eighteen months. The Public Health Director would like to retain a Preparedness Program as long as funding is available. Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by S. Alexander to authorize an eighteen month Project Position titled Preparedness Program Educator provided it is not funded with tax levy dollars and will sunset when funding is no longer available or eighteen months. Motion carried.


T. Green, Youth Services Supervisor has requested a Limited Term Employee Social Worker to while a member of the unit is on a leave of absence. The LTE had previously been approved for three months in the Child Protective Services unit by the Personnel Director, by ordinance to extend the employment beyond three months requires action of the Committee. Motion by H. Netzinger, second by J. Stoeckmann to authorize the extension of the LTE in Human Services during the regular social worker's absence.
Motion carried.


M. Koehler distributed an activity report for the month of October; noting meetings, issues and projects. The report also listed the recruitment activities, terminations, leaves of absence and unemployment charges for the month. Vouchers in the amount of $3,938.00 were presented for payment. Motion by S. Alexander, second by H. Netzinger to approve the report as presented and authorize the payment of vouchers.
Motion carried.

Koehler also notified the Committee of a recent decision she has received from State Department of Workforce Development. A non represented employee in the Sheriff's Department had originally filed a complaint alleging lost wages as a result of implementing direct deposit. An initial decision found no merit to the allegation and the employee appealed the decision. Another investigation was conducted and the determination supported the initial decision and the complaint was dismissed.

Dates for negotiations and initial exchange of proposals with the W.P.P. A. have been scheduled for the afternoon of November 20, 2006, for both contracts (Clerical and Law Enforcement) at 1:00 and 3:00 P.M.

Motion by H. Netzinger, second by J. Stoeckmann to adjourn until 8:15 A.M., Friday, December 12, 2006.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Scott Alexander, Secretary

Non-Represented Employee Grievance Procedures
SCCO 13.14 and 13.15

*All grievances and/or complaints must be in writing, signed and dated by employee. Electronic mail will not be considered written documentation for purposes of this policy.

Complaint/Grievance Flow Chart