Human Services Committee

DATE: December 5, 2005
5:00 p.m.,
County Board Room
Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Earl, Dippel, Bowers, Endres, Fordham, Vertein, Stoeckmann

Members Excused: Vaillancourt

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Horkan, Hebel

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Fordham to adopt the agenda.
Motion Carried.

Motion by Dippel, seconded by Endres to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion Carried.



Business Items:

  1. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Horkan distributed the monthly voucher report and discussed line items. (See attached) Motion by Endres, seconded by Stoeckmann to accept vouchers at $1,638,724.05.
    Motion Carried.
  2. Resolution Regarding Children’s Waiver Position: The Committee reviewed the Resolution. (See attached) Orth reviewed the program and the position. Discussion followed regarding the need to continue and that funding is available. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Earl to support the Resolution and forward it to the Personnel Committee and County Board for approval.
    Motion Carried.
  3. 2006 Service Rates: Horkan distributed the proposed rates and discussed the increase. (See attached) Motion by Dippel, seconded by Fordham to approve the proposed 2006 Service Rates. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

  1. Long Term Care Redesign: Orth discussed the Long Term Care Redesign goal of the State to be Regional capitated managed care to include acute and primary care. Currently, there are several partnership program providers operating in this way. Sauk County will submit a RFI and RFP with other partners. The RFP would give funding for an 18 month planning effort. Fourteen (14) counties, including two Family Care counties. Also, Lutheran Social Services, The Management Group, and existing partnership programs: Elder Care, Community Living Alliance, and Community Care are working on a RFI and RFP. The Management Group will write the RFI and RFP with agreement. They will be part of the planning process. All members will have representation in the writing process with The Management Group. This will give Sauk County an opportunity to be part of change in the future. Redesign will dramatically change how Long Term Care services are provided. Will require the State to have in their next biennium budget.

    The Continuum of Care Committee was discussed. This Long Term Care Redesign should not conflict. Expressed there is always to be need of Health Care Center. The question is the number of beds and other services for the population. The Board reinforced Sauk County and Bill’s participation. (See attached)

  2. LTC/CAP Community Links Request: Discussed State Nursing Home relocation project. Request FTE to do relocation of clients to community from nursing home and provide case management. Twenty-three (23) people are on the waiting list in nursing homes. A FTE R.N. position would provide case management and do assessments, Personal Care supervision and assessments. Support and Administrative dollars are included for startup. The State will notify candidates if request is granted, approximately 12/15/05. When Sauk County receives notification this will be brought back to the Human Services Board for further discussion. (See attached)
  3. Medicaid Transportation Management Initiative: (See attached) Discussed the new state initiative to manage MA transportation. Regional provider would manage MA transportation across an area. Sauk County would save staff time, but would no longer collect administrative funds, approximately $7,000 a year. This will impact the Commission on Aging because they are a large provider and coordinate many drivers. Counties not needing to participate could continue as we do currently. Hebel discussed further the way the management for programs get the local agency time increases and the client has multiple contacts for services.
  4. Personnel Changes/Updates: Horkan and Brattset attended the Personnel Committee meeting where they approved the LTS/CAP reorganization and project positions and CLTS Waiver. A Resolution will be needed. Personnel Updates are: Jennifer Meister-Becker, Program Support Specialist - Access Unit; Jessica Tolle, Long Term Support Social Worker; Dan Hirst, Staff Accountant has resigned.
  5. Program Evaluations: Orth will prepare a chart to share with the Human Services Board to show measures. Orth circulated various agency satisfaction surveys that will be used.
  6. Energy Services Contract Performance Measures: (See attached) Orth distributed performance measures negotiated with Energy Services, Inc. The Board discussed the measures.
  7. Homeless Update: Orth and Brattset met with St. Vincent and some board members. They are looking to invest in needs of the county. They are very interested in a homeless shelter and transitional housing project. They are willing to raise more funds and take the lead on the project. Other partners such as Lutheran Social Services may possibly be involved. The juvenile homeless issue was also discussed. Orth indicated statutorily they would need to be taken into placement. They will keep this population in mind as things move forward.
  8. Tax Intercept: Horkan discussed the availability to use the Wisconsin Department of Revenue tax intercept to collect accounts turned over to the collection agency, State Collection Services (SCS). SCS has an electronic interface and data capabilities to manage. Currently reviewing accounts and plan to be ready to implement with 2005 tax return season.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Fordham to adjourn.
Motion Carried.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, January 9, 2006 at 5:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Beverly Vertein