Personnel Committee - Minutes

DATE: Friday, December 10, 2004 - Room 213

ATTENDANCE: Members present: T. Meister, P. Tollaksen, T. Bychinski

Others Present: M. Koehler, J. Briggs, K. Pope, K. Beghin, B. Mielke, M. Hafemann, T. Gruber, J. Prantner, R. Meister, J. Van Berkel, L. Hollett, P. Burdick, D. Zeller

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 8:30 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.

AGENDA: Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Bychinski, to adopt the amended agenda.
Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by T. Bychinksi, second by P. Tollaksento approve the November, 2004 minutes. Motion carried.

COMMUNICATIONS: County Clerk B. Mielke provided information to the Committee regarding "HAVA ", which stands for Help America Vote Act. Mielke explained this is a Federal Act and the State of Wisconsin is mandating all municipalities to maintain and update voter registration. What has not been determined is whether each township, village or city will maintain its own or whether it would be maintained by the Office of the County Clerk. Mielke also explained it is unclear at this point how much additional burden this would place on her department. It might require additional staff to maintain and update the registration, if this were to happen a fee could be charged to the local municipalities for the service. No action required.


Captain R. Meister came before the Personnel Committee to request a market adjustment for his position. Meister explained he has been an employee for Sauk County longer then Captain Hafemann, however he is three steps behind the other Captain on the wage matrix. Chief Deputy Prantner and Captain Meister asked in the interest of fairness to place Captain Meister on the same step as Captain Hafemann. Motion by T. Bychinski, second by P. Tollaksen to authorize a market adjustment for Captain Meister retroactively to January 1, 2004, from grade seventeen (17), step three (3 ) to grade seventeen (17) step six (6). Noting this would be non-precedent setting. Motion carried.

Previously, the Sheriff's Department had requested authorization from the Personnel Director for a limited term employee in the Telecommunication Center due to staff shortage from vacancies and leaves of absence. They would like to request an extension of the LTE position for ninety (90) days. Motion by T. Bychinski, second by P. Tollaksen to authorize an LTE in the Telecommunications Center for ninety (90) days. Motion carried.

Captain M. Hafemann requested the elimination of one (1) female security deputy position and the creation of one (1) Jail Program Administrator. Hafemann explained there is a need for a position to oversee the daily operations of the overall Security Division in addition to the Security Captain and six (6) sergeants. This position would be responsible for the inmate classification process as well as supervising the clerical staff and security deputies. Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Bychinski to support and present a resolution to the County Board at the December business meeting authorizing the elimination of one (1) full time Security Deputy position and creating one (1) full time Jail Programs Administrator position. Motion carried.


County Conservationist J. Van Berkel came before the Committee to discuss employee recognition. Van Berkel explained within the Land Conservation Department this had been a record setting year, with twice the amount of cost sharing, he also noted 2004 is the last year of the Water Shed Project. His staff were extremely dedicated to the project and their efforts resulted in the project being an even greater success then what was anticipated. Unfortunately, there is currently no policy in place to recognize the employees of this department or the other departments within the County who exceed expectations and work diligently to achieve both department and personal goals. Van Berkel noted money has previously been set aside for employee recognition and wonder if it some of it could be used to purchase an award for the employees who worked on the Watershed Project. M. Koehler informed the Committee there was money set aside for employee recognition, however it is not clear at this time what restrictions if any were placed on this line item. Discussion followed. M. Koehler will attempt to locate all information and policy regarding this matter and report back to the Committee at the next regular meeting.

W.P.P.A GRIEVANCE -04-366: Classification Deputy - Withdrawn. 


Probationary Employee Health Insurance Category. L. Hollett, greivant, D. Zeller and P. Burdick, union representatives appeared before the Committee to grieve the category placement of the employee at time of hire. Issues sited included allegedly being told the position would be ninety nine (99) percent of full time and not receiving a union contract at orientation.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Bychinski to enter into closed session pursuant to Wis Stat. 19.85(1)(c) for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, and compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility over, with M. Koehler, K. Pope, J. Briggs to remain. A roll call vote was taken: Meister - aye, Tollaksen - aye, Bychinski - aye. Motion carried.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Bychinski to reconvene in open session. Motion carried.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Bychinski to deny the grievance. The Personnel Director is to have the employee re-categorized to category one (1) for health insurance on the first pay period immediately following completion of probationary period. Motion carried.


M. Koehler presented the resolution to the Committee ratifying the bargaining agreement with United Professionals which was reached during mediation on October 25, 2004. Discussion followed regarding the fiscal note which was attached, the Committee asked that it be revised to more clearly reflect the fiscal impact and prevent confusion. Motion by T. Bychinski, second by P. Tollaksen to support and present a resolution to the County Board at the December business meeting ratifying the agreement with the SEIU Dist. 1199W United Professionals for 2004 - 2006. Motion carried.

M. Koehler presented the Committee with departmental updates on recruitments, workers' compensation, unemployment and leaves.

K. Pope advised the Committee of Personnel activities for the past month at the Health Care Center. The report included updates on recruitments, workers' compensation, unemployment and leaves.

Motion by T. Meister, second by T. Bychinski to approve payment of the monthly vouchers in the amount of $ 815.48. Motion carried.

Motion by P. Tollaksen, second by T. Bychinski to adjourn with the next regular meeting to be held Friday, January 14, 2005, at 8:30 a.m. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Peter Tollaksen, Secretary