Human Services Committee Minutes

Date: December 6, 2004
Time: 5:00pm
County Board Rm.
Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Earl, Vaillancourt, Dippel, Bowers, Endres, Fordham, Vertein,

Members Excused: Stoeckmann

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Brattset, Horkan, and Orth

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Vaillancourt, seconded by Dippel to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

Motion by Earl, seconded by Fordham to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

Communications: None.

Business Items:

A. Review and Monthly Voucher Approval: Endres reviewed the voucher document (See attached) and noted that November 2004 was a three pay period month and a slight increase in health insurance as well as slight increase in institutions with one child in CCI, resulted in a higher month. In addition, October 2004 Mendota bill was paid in November of 2004 and IM was increased as well as more funerals, which are reimbursed by the State occurred in this month. W-2 and CWCAC bills resulted from last month. Energy Assistance was down this month. Motion by Endres, seconded by Vaillancourt to approve vouchers in the amount of $1,505,601.78. Motion Carried.

B. State/County Contract Approval: Horkan reviewed State/County Contracts. (See attached) She noted that both numbers reflect contracts actually completed with others pending. Horkan reviewed various aspects of the contract figures. Motion by Endres, seconded by Fordham to approve State/County Contracts. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. Mission/Vision Statements: Orth presented the Mission/Vision statement draft. (See attached) A brief discussion occurred. Orth will align some of the statements as there were some questions pertaining to the phrases of "all county residents" and "in need". Suggestion was made to perhaps use the term "vulnerable".

B. Manager's Breakfast Meeting: Orth noted that a Sauk County Department of Human Services Manager's breakfast meeting will occur in January. The agenda will include a review of 2004 goals as well as discussion pertaining to Mission/Vision statements, outcomes, and quality improvement/quality assurance review processes for each service area in the agency.

C. Homelessness: Brattset discussed Sauk County Council on Collaborative Initiatives recent work on homelessness. Describing short and long term goals, Brattset indicated that these include a phone line with perhaps an 800 number, an information card, data collection procedures, a resource guide, and ultimately a regional shelter for the homeless.

D. TABOR: Orth reported on TABOR and a review of polls conducted by WCA (Wisconsin Counties Association). According to Orth, a majority of those polled felt that government services are useful, but government could be more efficient and that taxes are too high. Polls indicate that most people do not want services to decline in quality and think that if taxes went down, quality would not be affected. The poll also revealed that people do not want TABOR if it has a negative impact on the economy. Orth further outlined that WCA plans a three pronged approach to bring out specific effects of services, to bring out the impact on the economy and to find a legislator who will help develop legislation to stop unfunded mandates.

E. Children's Services Society Position Changes: Orth reviewed CSSW position for TPR's and suggested changing this position to cover some ongoing CPS needs. Since TPR's are down and that previous backlogs prior to having this position have been caught up, it might be useful to switch some TPR worker time to ongoing CPS cases. There was some positive feedback from a number of board members on doing this.

F. End of Year Fiscal Estimates: Horkan reported that there were some slight increases and decreases, but all in all, only a few hundred dollars from last estimates for year end 2004. Salary and benefits could increase the overall bottom line by a little.

G. Wagner Foundation: Orth distributed a resolution authorizing the Department of Human Services to accept the donation of the Wagner Foundation (See attached). Discussion occurred and Vaillancourt indicated that she wants the schools to know about these funds. The possibility was discussed of having a staff person per school system to be the contact person for Sauk County Department of Human Services to interface with and Sauk County staff could go to schools when requested to review eligibility. Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers to accept the resolution. Brief discussion followed, need to correct spelling of Wal-Mart. Motion Carried.

H. Health Care Center- Costs to Place: Orth reviewed specific handout on cost of placements (See attachment from 11/04 minutes). Orth clarified that room and board dollars were not included in these figures. Orth further explained the daily bed cost comes to about $200.00 per day. Endres noted that Hebel should be credited with a good job in collecting this data. Fordham noted that the committee working on the Health Care Center is clear that dollars alone will not decide the issue. Fordham also noted there is still a cost in placing individuals even if a health care center is not built.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to adjourn until January 10, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. Motion Carried

Beverly Vertein