Commission on Aging Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: FRIDAY, December 10, 2004
TIME: 8:30 A.M.

Committee members present: Scott Alexander, Betty Durst, LaVon Puttkamer, Darlene Hill, Rose White, Buddy Bethke, Carol Jeffers, Director of Aging Programs; Jeanne Pribbenow,Administrative Support Specialist/Account Assistant; Robert Kellerman, Director of Age Advantage; Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator for Sauk County.

1. Meeting called to order at 9:20 a.m. by Chair, Scott Alexander. Carol Jeffers, Director, certified that the open meeting notice requirements have been met.

2. A motion was made to adopt the agenda by Betty Durst and LaVon Puttkamer seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3. A motion was made to adopt the minutes of November 5, 2004 by LaVon Puttkamer and seconded by Darlene Hill with the following corrections: correct spelling in #4 to read: grass roots (not routes); and #5- Joan Wheeler did not attend the training on Long Term Care Reform which was held at the Kalahari Resort on October 18, 2004. Also, regarding Training requests on Page 2, the motion to approve the training was done but was left out of the minutes. Motion carried.

4. Communications:

Carol Jeffers provided updates on: High Points Senior Housing Project. Due to lack of funding the project was not renewed so the possible use of Baraboo meal site is not feasible; 211 information number being used in some counties; Senior Farmers Market - 97% of funds used and program has been renewed for 2005; United Mail Services Postal System being used by the county for savings in postage; Reedsburg meal site (Willow Heights) has new manager - Carmin Brand - and a third route has been started for home delivered meals; Homestead Tax preparations will be available by appointment only in late January 2005.

5. Departmental Updates:
Director's Report:

* Continue Long Term Care Choices reading @#15. Tabled until next meeting January 7, 2005.
*Guest - Bob Kellerman )AA/WI Elders Act information and questions. Mr. Kellerman discussed what the Wisconsin Elders Act requires of its aging units, what is mandated, the power of the COA committees and the nutrition advisory committee, the grants which are to be used for specific programs. Since Carol Jeffers will be retiring it is mandated that the aging program have a full time director and one benefit specialist. Questions were raised by the COA committee about the possible integration of the Commission on Aging into the Human Services Department. More discussion will follow at the next meeting.
* 2005 OAA allocation changed - Due to budget cuts and changes in programs the Commission on Aging gained $12.00
* Assessment Summary - The nutritional program assessment summary was read to the committee. Amy Fox, Nutrtitionist from AAA, LaVon Puttkamer, COA committee member, and Carol Jeffers went over the assessment and the report summary was good.
* AARP Tax Aide Season - James Kosir will be conducting the AARP free tax aide aging in 2005. Help will be available starting February 2005 by appointment each Thursday morning at the Baraboo West Square Building, each Thursday afternoon in Reedsburg and in 2005 will be twice a month on Tuesdays in Prairie du Sac by appointment only.

Review and approval of:
* October Financial Statement 2004-Rose White made a motion to approve the October
statement and LaVon Puttkamer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
*November vouchers 2004- Betty Durst made a motion to approve payment of the November vouchers in the amount of $27,423.12. Buddy Bethke seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Training/Meeting/Seminars requests: None

6. Business Items:
* Election of Vice Chair of Committee-Buddy Bethke was nominated for Vice Chair of the
COA committee by Betty Durst, and seconded by LaVon Puttkamer. Betty Durst made a
motion that nominations be closed. Single ballot-Rose White approved and Darlene Hill
Hill seconded. Buddy Bethke nominated as Vice Chair of the COA Committee. (Due to the
untimely death of Roger Shanks-former Vice Chair of the Committee).
*Approve Walnut Hill Church letter-Carol Jeffers sent a thank-you note to the church for
the use of equipment, supplies, and support of the meal site by members of the church. We
do not have contract.
*Discuss 2005 contract change(s)/ effects: There have been no changes in the contracts with
the meal sites, however, North Freedom wishes to have more activities at the site. Feil's
Catering has increased the cost of the meals 14 cents-the cost of the meals are now $3.65
per meal due the cost of fuel, maintenance, wages, etc. Betty Durst made a motion to
approve the increase in meals and LaVon Puttkamer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
*Review and approve copier purchase. A Lanier copier was purchased. The state contract
price was $7323 with the guarantee maintenance contract of $174. Betty Durst made a
motion to approve purchasing the copier and Darlene Hill seconded the motion. Motion
*SCHCC Ad Hoc Committee Update. A hearing was held at the Health Care Center on 12/15.
A group of approximately 130 persons came to voice their opinions about keeping the
Health Care Center open and it was the consensus of the group to keep it open. A public
hearing is also being held on December 22, 2004 regarding the Health Care Center.
*AAA Report: LaVon Puttkamer gave a report of the meeting on December 3, 2004 at Tomah,WI. The main topic being discussed was Elder Abuse. This program is through the LTS Unit of the Human Services Department. There is no means testing to obtain financial help though this program, however, the grant money available was not applied so the
funding is no longer available.

7. Set next meeting: Friday, January 7, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. in Room 213, West Square Building, Baraboo WI.

8. Adjournment- Rose White made a motion the meeting be adjourned and Darlene Hill seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Darlene Hill, Secretary