Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

Date: December 8, 2003

Committee Members Present: Ashford, Wiese, and Sprecher.

Committee Members Absent: Cassity, Lehman.

Others Present: Gurney, Simmert, Haugen, Bailey, Brenson, Filus.

Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to adopt the agenda as presented.
Motion carried.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the minutes of the November 25, 2003 Committee meeting.
Motion carried

Communications: None.

Business Items: None.

Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared. He stated that the Tri-Min Land Records Management system has a tentative start date of February 1st. He spoke about how Tri-Min will allow for the entering of plats and condo plats which can then be tracked. Mr. Bailey also informed the Committee that this year is shaping up to be a record year in terms of the number of document recorded and that he expects the number of daily recordings to taper off in a week or two. Mr. Bailey also indicated that he will not be loosing a position because cuts have been made to other parts of the department. Mr. Bailey had no vouchers to present.

Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer, spoke about the soaring project and grant money allocated to the project. He indicated that approximately $450,000 will be in the land records account by the end of 2004. He then spoke about the upcoming Wisconsin Land Records Conference to be held in the Dells on March 3, 4 and 5th. An abstract was handed out to the Committee summarizing the presentation that will be given by Sauk County at the Conference. He invited Committee members to attend and indicated that the Mapping Department would cover any expenses, if any, for the Committee to attend.

Mr. Brenson then discussed the purchase of a Trimble GPS unit for the Planning & Zoning Department. The discussion included a summarization of the capabilities of the unit along with a description of how it will be utilized both in the near future and how it will also aid emergency government and the sheriff's department in he future relative to creating a real-time connection to mapping and fire numbers and coordinates. Gurney discussed how the GPS unit will be utilized for mineral extraction operations to track both the size of the current operation and reclaimed areas. The GPS unit will also be utilized for shoreland inspections to match shoreland violations with lots so that corrective notices can be accurately mailed out to the property owner whose property is in violation. Mr. Sprecher asked about personal who will be utilizing the unit. Mr. Brenson explained that he will be training Planning & Zoning staff. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to purchase the Trimble GPS unit for $4505.00.
Motion carried

A list of vouchers totaling $5,430.70 for the Mapping Department was reviewed. Motion by Ashford, seconded Sprecher to approve the vouchers as presented.
Motion carried.

Mr. Matthew Filus, County Surveyor, reported on the point control project being carried out by Team Engineering. Filus indicated that Team was 73 days into the project. He requested a status report with the last invoice and only received a verbal report. Billings have been for 14% of the project thus far and the verbal report indicated that the project was 10-12% complete. Mr. Filus said that they have not received any of the product to date and have not paid any invoices. Filus indicated that he will be putting together a letter with Corporation Counsel to request a status report from Team. The Committee recommended that reference be made to that part of the contract that if the consultant defaults on the project there is a $50.00 per day penalty. Mr. Brenson indicated that he has grant funding to use by the end of 2004 relative to parcel mapping that relies on the control generated through this project. Mr. Filus had no vouchers to present.

Mr. Gurney reported on the last BAAP BIG meeting. Mr. Sprecher asked if there were any suggestion made as to who would represent the County. The Committee agreed that the representative should be someone who is knowledgeable of the project and it should be someone who lives in the area.

Gurney then indicated that the Planning & Zoning Office is falling behind on their work. He specifically cited the fact that since he arrived there has been no follow-up to BOA cases to ensure conditions are being met. It also was indicated that in a normal budget year he would be requesting additional staff. Permits are not slowing down as they usually do this time of year. He spoke about a possible re-class of a staff member so that member can do field inspections for the BOA.

Ordinance amendments were discussed relative to limiting the number of dogs and/or domestic animals as requested by the Town of LaValle. Gurney indicated that he will be sending a letter to the Town asking them what their intent is relative to whether this is a health, safety or welfare issue. Other OA's were discussed including setback requirements from feedlots and neighboring property lines and wells and permitted short-term (6 mos) nonmetallic mining operations under the Exclusive Agriculture, RC 35 and RC 5 Zoning Districts and increasing the height of accessory buildings in residential (non-shoreland) districts from 15 feet to 20 feet.

Discussion followed regarding various Assembly and Senate bills on comprehensive planning and zoning in general.

NR 115 and DNR proposed revisions to shoreland zoning relative to setbacks, buffering, boat house requirements, expansion of structures were discussed. NR 116 and floodplain zoning enforcement and administration being transferred to the County from the State DNR was discussed. Concerns were expressed regarding amendments to NR codes which require Counties to administer and enforce more requirements with regard to hiring additional staff to do so. Discussion also ensued regarding unfunded mandates by the State.

Mandatory UDC being signed by the governor was discussed. UDC will now be required statewide. If Town's do not enforce UDC than the State will do so. However the State does not have personal to do so. There is a concern that this may become an unfunded mandate that Counties may be required to take on.

Discussion ensued regarding unfunded mandates and that county cannot absorb additional costs for the hiring of county staff.

Gurney noted that the clustering/PUD ordinance is being reviewed by Corporation Counsel.

The Floodplain Ordinance Appendix of amendments was presented to the Committee and it was noted that Appendix will be submitted to the DNR and FEMA after final approval of the OA by the County Board and respective publication by the Clerk.

Mr. Gurney had no vouchers to present.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn at 11:15 A.M.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary

Notes by: Brian Simmert