Law Enforcement & Judiciary Committee

DATE:December 5, 2003

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Friday, December 5, 2003, at 8:00 AM., in the Community Room, D 102A, 1300 Lange Court,
Baraboo, Wisconsin.

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.

Members Present:

Members Absent:

Others Present: Montgomery, Giebel, Carlson, Wenzel, Williams B. Hinze, M. Hafemann, C. Hendee, R. Meister, A Kirby, K. Fults, j. Welsch, j. Spencer, L Crisman, P. Holcomb,
M. Backeberg, G. Wiegand, B. Manning, j. Prantner, Public

  1. Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Charles Montgomery at 8:00 AM.
  2. Agenda: Motion by Giebel, seconded by Carlson, to adopt the agenda. Carried.
  3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Carlson, to approve the minutes of the regular Law Enforcement Committee meeting held on Friday, November 7, 2003. Motion carried.
  4. Update by Corporation Counsel Chad Hendee on Barnes V Sauk County. et al: Hendee said that on October 23, 2003, an inmate had filed a complaint stating his medical needs weren't cared for while he was an inmate in the Sauk County jail, as well as other alleged causes for damages. The inmate, Dennis Barnes, is seeking $108,000,000 in damages from Sauk County, Sheriff Stammen, and numerous other jail staff. Hendee said the case has been referred to Whyte, Hirschboeck & Dudek of Madison. Hendee said it's not a difficult case to defend, there are no real issues involved and it's being taken care of. He just wanted to bring the committee into the picture in regard to the matter. No action was needed nor taken.
  5. Communications:
  6. Appearances:
    1. Presentation of Officer of the Month Award. Clerk/Matron Michelle Backeberg was presented with the award for Employee of the Month by Chief Deputy Prantner. Backeberg was nominated for her outstanding service to the TRIAD Program in Sauk County. TRIAD is a program promoting safety for senior citizens, and promoting law enforcement issues that are especially relevant to senior adults, including the Grab a Phone Program. Grab A Phone provides free used, donated cell phones to qualifying persons. The phones can only be used to call 91 I but there's no cost to the citizens and it's an important safety tool. Backeberg actually
      received two nominations according to Aaron Kirby, the Vice President of the Sheriff's Department's labor union.
    2. Deputy Louise Crisman appeared before the committee asking for their consideration of a possible recommendation to amend the Sauk County Personnel Ordinance. Crisman stated there's a gap in health insurance coverage for employees who retire early, even though they may be eligible for Wisconsin Retirement pension benefits. There's no provision allowing employees to continue to subscribe to the county's group health insurance once the initial COBRA period lapses or the employee runs out of coverage through paid contributions funded with sick leave accrual, even if the employee is willing to pay the full cost for continued enrollment in the group plan. The gap in health insurance coverage discourages employees from retiring even when they qualify for Wisconsin Retirement benefits.

      After a discussion the committee agreed that this was an issue that merited consideration.
      They did not think an actual age should be included in their recommendation to the Personnel

      Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Giebel, to recommend an amendment to the Personnel
      Ordinance to provide the option for retiring employees to continue to subscribe to the
      county's group health insurance plan, at the full monthly payment amount, if the employee is
      eligible for retirement benefits from the Wisconsin Retirement System and to support Deputy
      Crisman in her request for that at the Personnel Committee. Motion carried.

  7. Review and Approval of November, 2003, Bills for Coroner and Sheriff's Office:
  8. Consideration and Approval of Resolution to Purchase Three Squad Cars From 2003 Sheriff'S Vehicle Replacement Allocation:
  9. Current Status of Sheriffs 2003 Budget:
  10. Consideration and Approval for Sheriff to Enter into a Contract with Justice Benefits for 2004:
  11. Authorization to Solicit Bids for Purchase of Four 2004 Squad Cars:
  12. Sheriff's Report:
  13. Adjourn To Date Specified: The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 7, 2004.
    Motion by Carlson, seconded by Giebel, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Respecfully Submitted: Dorothy Williams, Secretary

(minutes taken by B. Manning)