Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation

DATE: Friday, December 12, 2003
1:00 P.M.
Room 213
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, Wisconsin



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting.
  3. Adopt Agenda
  4. Public Comments and Concerns.
  5. Communications and Reports
  6. Consideration of participation in Barn Raising Project.
  7. Consideration of support for the Wisconsin Foundation for the Arts.
  8. Consideration of request for funding, Circus World Museum.
  9. Discussion and consideration of budget disbursement.
  10. Consideration of participation in the Wisconsin Humanities Council.
  11. Consideration of events for Historic Preservation Week.
  12. Consideration of timeline for 2004 grant cycle.
  13. Consideration of funding for 100th anniversary of county courthouse.
  14. Consideration of web site registry of artists.
  15. Updates:
    1. Historic Preservation Week - Poster and Educational event. (Map distribution)
  16. Approval of Vouchers
  17. Next Meeting Date - January 09, 2003
  18. Adjourn.

COPIES TO: County Clerk Williams Carlson Bernien Sorg Web Liaison McAuliffe Netzinger Huber Shrake Wolter Schmid McCoy Stich Dewel      

DATE NOTICE MAILED: December 8, 2003

PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator